Chapter 7 Part Two: Reading Minds

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Chloe's P.O.V.

Liam has been saying that I was getting good at reading minds. He even challenged me to go sneak up on the boys and find out what they were thinking. We were almost done with him mentoring me and it doesn't feel like its been almost 3 weeks here. As much as I wanted to see my family and friends I didn't want to leave the boys either. I have grown close to them and really enjoyed being around them.

I was currently upstairs drying my hair from my shower. Someone knocked and I quickly ran over to the door to see Niall, smiling. When I noticed that his eyes weren't at mine I realized that I was still in only just a towel. "So the boys wanted me to tell you that their new girlfriends will be over shortly and we are going to watch a movie." he said now purposely avoiding my eyes by looking out in the hall. I smiled at him "That's adorable. Ill be down in a few" he nodded and left. Closing the door I let out a deep breath, this boy isn't making this friends thing easy right now.


As soon as I plopped myself on the couch I heard the door bell go off. Louis ran to get, he must be eager to see his girlfriend. I stood up as soon as the four girls entered the room, one of them stood closer to Louis. The other boys entered giving hugs and small kisses to their girlfriends.

"Chloe this is Jessica, Zoe, Reagan and Catie" Louis said pointing to each girl as their names escaped his lips. I smiled back and waved shyly before Liam gave us something to do. "How about you girls go and get to know Chloe and we will get the movie and food ready." I nodded and lead them down the hall into what must have been a guest room.

We sat and talked for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes. Jessica, Louis' girlfriend, has green eyes, freckled scattered across her face and red hair which is natural. She loves soccer and sings just like Louis. Zoe, Harry's girlfriend has blue eyes and dark blonde hair. She is exactly like Harry, fun, outgoing, friendly and funny no wonder why they are perfect together. Liam's girlfriend Reagan has blue eyes and brown hair with blonde highlights. While we were talking she always would lighten up the mood with a joke or funny comment. Lastly Zayn's girlfriend Catie also has blue eyes and blonde hair. Just like Jessica she loves soccer and she was very updated with the latest fashion as well.

"How come you and Niall aren't together?" Catie asked me putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Well. We went on a date and it was extremely nice, but then Jarrod showed up saying....erm threatening me. So when we came home I told Niall that we should have a relationship later because I don't want him to get hurt, because of me"

"Sorry about me asking this but why does Jarrod want to hurt you?" Jessica asked and the rest of the girls nodded.

"Niall told me that he wants my abilities or something along those lines."

"You should still give Niall a chance though." Zoe smiled a weak smile towards me.

"Love conquers all" Reagan smiled. I laughed.

"Your right. Ill do it" they all cheered and ran over pulling me into a group hug.

Niall's P.O.V.

The boys sent me to tell the girls that the movie is ready. They must think Im their personally messenger or something.

"Everything is set up" I said from outside the room they were in. The door was closed and I didn't want to barge in, if they were talking about something personal.

I found a comfy spot on the selection of couches in the living room. We choose a comedy movie, Identity Thief. Although I was hoping a comedy movie would keep everyone of each other I knew the lads would somehow end up snogging their girlfriends. Im not bothered by them doing that its just that I still have strong feelings toward Chloe. I respected her decision and I thought it was smart, but I still want her to know that Jarrod wont ruin us and never will.


Half way through the movie, what I predicted came true all of the lads were snogging their girlfriends. I looked over at Chloe, who was currently between Harry and Zoe and Zayn and Catie. It was cute she was trying to focus on the movie by shifting her body in several different ways. I stood up not wanting to feel more awkward than I did before and walked over to Chloe.

I extended my hand out for her to take.

"Want to let them be?" She nodded taking my hand and we walked into the kitchen. I took waters from the fridge handing her one.

"I didnt think they would do that during the whole movie" she mumbled and I laughed.

"Yeah it will probably last after the movie too"

There was a short silence before she began to talk.



"I don't like this." My eyebrows furrowed.

"What don't you like?"

"Erm.....Us just being friends"

"I thought you wanted us just to be friends, because of the whole Jarrod thing"

"I did, at first. But after almost 2 weeks I realized I like you, a lot."

"Then you wont mind if I do this" I stepped closer to Chloe closing the space between us. My hands rested on her waist as I put my lips to hers.

The kiss got heated quick, and I wasn't complaining. Her hands quickly found their way to my neck playing with my hair. I let my hands fall down to her thighs, gently squeezing them signaling for her to jump. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I set her down on the kitchen counter. My tongue swiped against her bottom lip and she easily opened her mouth. She bit my lip allowing her name to escape my mouth. Her hands traveled underneath my shirt then resting on my chest.

"Woah calm down!" Harry exclaimed walking into the kitchen, causing us to pull away.

"Im going to bed" Chloe excused herself from the room.

Once she left Harry was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked as if nothing had happened.

"You and Chloe together?"

"Yeah" I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"Were you breathing?"

I slapped his arm before leaving and walking upstairs to Chloe's room. I knocked softly.

"Come in" her voice escaping through the crack of the door.

I came in sitting besides her on her bed, pulling her onto my lap.

"Sorry about Harry" I said resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Its fine. Will you sleep with me tonight?"

I nodded. "Is it okay, that I sleep in my boxers? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Its fine." She crawled into her bed pulling the covers over her body. After stripping down to my boxers I climbed in after. She turned so she was facing me. I smiled and began to play with her hair. She quickly fell asleep, then my eyelids began to feel heavy and sleep took over.


A/N: So do you think this story is going too fast? Let me know in the comments. Im excited for the next few chapters and I hope you guys are too. Comment, Vote, Message me!! Night guys Byyyyeeeee!!!

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