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The sound of footsteps could be heard running down the hallway. I was barely awake napping on the couch in the living room. Until Niall and Samantha ran and jumped on top of me laughing.

A smile creeped its way onto my face as I began to tickle Samantha, her giggles echoing through out the room.

"C'mon Sam, lets go get ready for dinner." Niall threw her over his shoulder walking down the hall.

I sat up admiring the two of them laughing like they always do. Walking down to the mine and Niall's room to get ready for dinner.

Tonight we were over at my parents house for their annual Christmas dinner. Niall's family was over here, so were the boys and their girlfriends, Cassidy and her boyfriend. Luckily we had a huge table for everyone and a few more to be seated at.

I quickly changed into a warm sweater in jeans checking my reflection.

Out if no where Niall wrapped his hands around my stomach softly kissing my neck.

"Sam is busy so we can have some alone time." he smirked.

"Too bad we have to go to the dining room."

"You're such a tease." He joked taking me by the hand and guiding me towards the dining room.

We took our seats as well as everyone else. Sam waved to us from across the table, where she sat in between Greg and Denise.

"Honey, remember two hands." Denise guided her daughter helping her lift the cup of water to Sam's lips.

The talking began to fade away once my parents stood up.

"We just wanted to thank all of you for coming out tonight. Its so nice to be surrounded by friends and family that are the dearest to us."

"I hope you enjoy the turkey." my mom added before everyone raised their glasses.

I looked to Niall nervously and he nodded signaling that it was time. We both stood up just like my parents so now everyones eyes were on us.

"Chloe and I have an announcement." he spoke softly as he nervously ran his hands across my back. When he looked down to me with a small gleam in his eyes I began to speak.

"Im pregnant." I examined the faces of everyone to see everyone with shocked expressions and the widest smiles.

My mom was the first to congratulated us, and everyone followed. We answered questions like what names we were thinking of all through out dinner. Which only made the two of us even more excited.

It was funny explaining how Niall reacted when he found out. I made sure to leave out the series of events that led up to me getting pregnant. It really was a surprise for the both of us, but more surprising for Niall. After I had taken the pregnancy test I had planned on trying to give hints to him. So when he got home from going to the gym with Liam I had told him that we were going to need to by new furniture.

He of course asked me why to which I simply stated like a crib. His back was turned towards me when I had told him and when he faced me his eyes were wide open. He kept repeating 'you're pregnant' as he twirled me around kissing my face all over.

Even though it only had been about a month and a week he has been so careful around me and talking to my stomach. We would fall asleep in our be with one of his hands wrapped protectively around me.


"You know that Ill do everything and anything to make you and our baby happy." Niall told me as his fingers rubbed my stomach as we laid in bed our legs tangled.

"You already do."

"And Ill do so much more, because I promised my self that I will never let anything come between us and our new family."

"I love you Ni."

"I love you Chloe, never forget that I will always love you."

"I promise."

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