Chapter 22: Back Home

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Chloe's P.O.V.

I'm not sure whether I should be excited or sad. I have been waiting weeks to see my parents and best friend again. Yet I didn't know what was going to happen between Niall and I. After knowing that my parents wanted the boys to help me with my abilities they most likely don't want one of them to fall for their bosses daughter. Maybe if I just talked with my mom first and explained to her that I really loved Niall, then maybe shell get my dad to agree.

I looked over at Niall who was talking with Louis and Harry by the car loaded with our luggage. He ran his hand through his hair nervously not meeting their gaze once. I focused on Niall and was satisfied when his thoughts began to pop right into my head.

What ever Chloe's parents say about the both of us, I'm not going to give up on us. I know we are meant to be and no one will ever get in the way of that.

I smiled and thought that it was a good time for me to head over to the car and climb in. Of course Louis and Harry went into their separate car and we followed them in Niall's car as we drove back to my house.

For most of the ride, Niall would hold my hand as we made conversation and jokes. When I began to notice familiar land marks I would feel myself squeezing his hand harder then I should have.

Pulling into my driveway excitement coursed through me, I basically jumped out of the still moving car. I heard Niall call my name as I ran up the front steps and into my house. My head snapped in every direction until I saw both of my parents standing with wide grins on their faces. I ran over to them as they pulled me into a large hug. Before I knew it I felt tears begin to flow from my eyes as I pulled my parents closer.

"We've missed you so much." my mom said tears apparent on her face too.

"I missed you to mom and dad"

My dad pulled away his hands holding my shoulders as he examined me.

"You look stunning" my mom smiled. "Your transformation brought out your best features" she squeaked. Maybe that's why I was in such a deep amount of pain when I changed.

"Did the boys take care of you?" I smiled thinking of all of the good times I spent with the boys for the last 2 months training and having fun.

"Yeah they took great care of me. I probably blushed when my head was clouded with my memories of Niall and I. Once I said that they all came in walking over to my parents.

"Thank you boys" my mom said beginning to give them all hugs while my dad shook hands with them. Niall stood closer to me wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me on the temple.

Suddenly a loud noise came from our back door causing us all to flinch. "Where's my best friend!" I heard Cassidy yell. I pulled away from Niall with a smile plastered on my face as I ran to the back door seeing Cassidy standing there with her arms wide open.

We hugged each other tight. "I'm so glad you're okay" she said squeezing me even tighter.

"Wait what?"

"Your parents told me everything after you left with Niall" she pointed behind her "I've missed you so much, we haven't spent time together in almost 2 months and friends should never be separated for that long"

"Well I'm not leaving again before letting you know. I promise"

We walked into the living room where everyone was currently sitting and talking to each other. Niall looked up and smiled at me causing Cassidy to look at me with a smirk.

"Niall could I talk to you for a second" he stood up as I led him into the hallway.

"Yes Chlo" he smiled, I'm not sure why he was so giddy and happy all of a sudden.

"We should really tell my parents about us. I just want them to know that they can trust us and" I began to ramble on about my parents, when he kissed me.

"Stop worrying babe. We can tell them now and if you want I can tell them"

I thought about how my parents could react, realizing they weren't that over protective. I nodded, he held my hand as we entered the living room. I could tell Cassidy was beginning to question why we were so close.

"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Chambers" My parents looked at us as we stepping in front of them our hands still clasped together.

"Yes?" my dad asked looking back and forth between us.

"While the boys and I were training Chloe for her transformation, I kept having visions of the future where I saw Chloe and I. I realized that I love your daughter with all my heart and to the moon and back. I don't know what I would do with out her, she makes my day brighter. I asked her to be my girlfriend a while back and she agreed. I want to make sure that its alright with you, the both of you that I date your daughter"

I was surprised with Niall's words. I blushed when he said that he loved me, I still never get tired of him saying that.

"Niall I wouldn't want her with anyone else but you" my dad smiled hugging him. My mom was smiling at me making my cheeks turn an even brighter red. "You two are cute" she mouth giving Niall a hug as well.


Cassidy eventually had to go home, but the boys stayed in the guest bedrooms. It was nice to be back in my room, I missed my own bed and pillows. I pulled my laptop that left on my bed and plugged it into its charger so later I could go on tumblr if I wanted. Since there wasn't anything to do, since most likely everyone was asleep by now I pulled out a book from my book self that was mounted above my desk. I sat reading The Fault In Our Stars a book that I have read so many times and that was by far my favorite. I placed my book mark on the last page that I've read when I heard a faint knock on my door.

Quietly I peeked out to see Niall. He smiled before I let him through. I shut the door behind him and walked over to where he sat down on the edge of my bed, he moved his legs so I could stand between them.

"Couldn't sleep" I asked leaning my forehead against his.

"Nope, and I couldn't stop thinking about you" his hands ran down my sides smirking "You know we never got to finish what we started at the cabin"

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea"

"Why not?" he asked kissing my neck.

"My parents are right down the hall Ni"

"Okay babe, we could still do this" he said pulling me on his lap kissing me deeply.

We stayed there kissing for long time, when we pulled away I realized we were making out for a good 30 minutes.

"I love you Chloe" he said bringing me close to his chest.

"I love you too Niall" I pecked his cheek with a kiss before we both fell asleep.


A/N: I promised to update on Monday. And I was a couple minutes late, but at least its not a whole day. Comment and Vote! Nighhhttt guys byyyyyeeeee :)

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