Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Class Dismissed."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I gathered my books and headed toward my locker for lunch.

"Hey guys." I greeted Jess, Aiden, Bia and Nick, sitting in the last vacant seat at the table beside Jess and Bia. They greeted me back, and fell into a comfortable silence, everyone peacefully eating their lunch.

"So," Bia said after awhile. "I heard Jason's throwing a party tonight. Anyone down?"

A bunch of agreements were mumbled, I not being one of them. I'm not a big party person. I'm not a big dancer or drinker. I'm usually the designated driver, because I pretty much volunteer for the position.

"Okay great," Bianca cheered happily, "I'll pick you guys up at 9."

* * * * *

"Heeeyyyyyy Eeeellllaaaa." Bia slurred, clutching onto Nick for support. I snorted, what a lightweight. She had two shots and a beer and she was out of it. I mean, she is petite of a teenage girl.

I looked at Nick who was still sober because he wanted to look after his girlfriend without anything happening. He nodded, "Don't worry, I got her. Go have fun."

I huffed, "Yeah because I'm a party animal." I mumbled, watching Nick stagger away with his wasted girl on his arm, clinging onto him.

I fished Jack's phone out of my purse as I texted my one friend who isn't having fun, or burdened with someone having too much fun.

To: Ella

Hey, you up?

After about seven minutes without a response, I sighed sadly, stuffing the phone back into my purse. I guess I've only got myself tonight. I was standing around, counting the tiles on the floor, until someone gripped my shoulder, a little too painfully for my liking. Trying to remove the hand, I looked up to find an angered Aiden staring at me. His eyes traveled to my lips, and before I could comprehend anything and everything...

He slammed his lips against mine.

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