Remember Me (Niall Horan Fanfiction)

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Be ready.

“Iver Cruse!” I heard my uptight, 8th grade teacher, Mr. Abner, scream. “Are you texting?”

I slowly looked up, hiding my phone in my lap.

“What?” I asked deliberately, my silver bun falling to the side. I saw fury flash in his eyes.

“Give me your phone!” He said outstretching his arm, stomping his foot. By now, every kid is turned looking at me.

“Why?” I asked, egging it on.

“It’s a violation to be texting during a lesson.” He said and I sighed and packed up my stuff. I got up and walked in front of him.

“You see, I would love to do that but…” I said and then the door busted open.

“IVER CRUSE, I NEED YOU TO CHECKOUT.” My best friend, Niall screamed, making Mr. Abner jump.

“I gotta run.” I finished and ran out the doorway, grabbing Niall’s hand and laughing at full volume.

 “Mrs. Cruse! Mr. Horan! Turn around, NOW!” He roared, and I hooted, hearing him follow us. We kept running, occasionally stopping and kicking other classroom doors open.

I ran until I got to one special classroom and bust the door open.

“WREN SIMPSON, COME ON OUT.” I shouted and the teacher looked startled.

“C’mon, Wren! Abner is chasing us and gaining quickly!” I ushered, chuckling as I saw Mr. Abner fall.

She appeared at our side and we kept running.

By the time we got to the door, we had the whole hall way full of students watching and teachers trying to catch us.

“Screw school!” Wren screamed and we bust through the doors, looking back to see the whole school watching us.

~ Two Years Later ~

“You wanna play Three Minutes in Heaven?” A random dude asked us.

Niall was leaving tomorrow to try out for X-Factor, and as a good-luck gift, Niall’s parents let us throw a party while they were gone. The house was packed and the music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think.

“Sure.” I said and Niall looked at me worriedly. Wren squealed and followed the guy to a circle of people.

“We have three new people.” He publicized and everyone cheered and took a sip of their drink.

Niall sat by one of our friends, Brendan and me and Wren sat opposite from him.

Everyone took turns spinning a bottle, and some guy named Payton’s bottle landed on Wren. Until finally it was Niall’s turn to spin. He smirked and looked up, and spun the bottle, and I watched as it passed me quickly then passed me again a bit slower, then again, and then stop.

On me.

Niall’s face fell blank and turned bright red. Everyone ‘Ooohed’ because they knew we were best friends. I could practically feel Wren smirking.

“I-Iver, you don’t have to.” He said, stuttering a bit.

“It’s fine.” I said and got up. I grabbed his hand and made my way to the walk-in-closet, practically dragging Niall.

“THREE MINUTES STARTS WHEN YOU SHUT THE DOOR!” Brendan yelled and I pushed Niall in and shut the door.

“Iver, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” Niall said, apologizing.

We sat in an awkward silence for a few seconds before I said something.

“Three Minutes in Heaven?” I asked and he nodded.

“Just a stupid game,” He said and looked up. “You’re supposed to kiss.”

“Well?” I said and his eyes got huge.

“Iver, really?” He asked and I sighed.

“God dammit Ni.” I said and jumped on his lap and kissed him. I felt sparks and Niall flinch.

I pulled apart and looked Niall in the eyes. His eyes weren’t the usual light blue they were; now they were a deep, stormy blue and full of want.

It took him no longer than two seconds to pull my face to his again and kiss me hard. He pulled me closer to him and licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly gave. I tangled my hands in his blonde, soft locks and felt him moan in the kiss. I smiled and kissed him again.

“TIMES UP, YOU-whoa…” I heard a voice say and looked over to see Brendan’s smiling face.

I get up, fixing my shorts in the process. Niall got up after me and I heard Brendan whistle at us.

“Niall, mate, might wanna fix that before you go back.” Brendan said and pointed to Niall’s crotch. Niall smirked and walked away.

“Oh my God, Iver. WHAT HAPPENED?” Wren said, coming over to me and grabbing me by the shoulders.

I just smirked and walked to his room.


“I can’t believe you’re actually trying out.” Wren said and Niall nodded. She hugged him quickly and he turned towards me.

“You better freaking call me after and tell me how it goes.” I said to Niall, shaking his shoulders.

“I know, I know. I’ll Skype you every night.” He said and looked into my eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay Iver. I promise. Stop crying.” He said and wiped a tear from my face. I didn’t even know I was crying.

“Sorry. I’ll miss you.” I said and his mom came beside him.

“Niall, dear, it’s time to go.” She said and Niall looked at me with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t forget me, Ni.” I said and he smiled.

“Never in a billion years.” He said in a voice that automatically believe him and leaned in and softly kissed me lips, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away and hugging me.

“Bye guys.” He said, with a sad glint in his eyes and waved to us as he got his luggage and boarded the plane. 

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