Chapter 3- A Night in The Park

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|| Iver's POV ||

"Oh my God," Niall said, his blue eyes huge. "Iver?"

"Hello Sweetie." I said, laughing at the pun only Wren and Niall know of. Off of Doctor Who, River Song is my favorite character, and that's her famous line. I always quote it.

"It's been so long." Niall said, getting up and walking over to me. He crushed me in a constricted hug, making me laugh.

"I know. Three years." I said and he put his hand on my cheek, looking into my eyes, his tearing up, making mine tear up too.

"Don't start crying, you know it makes me cry, you ass." I said quietly and sniffled, still smiling.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm just really, really happy." He said and wiped a tear away. He hugged me again, giving me a Horan hug. It was invented for me. He puts both his arms around you and squeezes you, not too tight and not too loosely, just perfectly. He puts his head in the crook of your neck, and slightly rocks.

"HEY. Nialler, I'm here too, you douche." I hear Wren say and Niall pulled away. He looked at her as she looked back then they both smiled and she jumped up, him catching her and hugging her.

"I've missed you!" He said to us, as he puts her down.

"We've missed you too, Ni." I said and he blushed.

"Mr. Horan we need to get the line going. Get behind the table." A security guard said, putting his hand on Niall's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Why don't you two come over here and sit with us? We can talk after it's done." Niall said, looking in my eyes, and I saw the familiar sparkle in his eyes and I looked to Wren who nodded.

He got us two chairs and we sat, talking to each other while the boys signed CD's, sometimes catching dirty glares from the fans. One even flicked us off.

"Whoa. Rawr, calm down kitty." I mocked, making her roll her eyes and walk off. We both laughed hysterically.

Niall got in trouble a few times for not interacting with the fans because he would turn around and stare at me or Wren.

Let me tell you, Niall's grown. No more is he the short, flippy haired boy I knew. No, now his hair is fixed into a perfect quiff and his teeth are perfect, no longer the crooked ones I knew. He was a lot taller, taller than me now, easily putting four or five inches on him; I used to be the same size as him. His skin is perfect, no spots or anything, just tanned and smooth, unlike mine. I noticed he lost some of his accent and now he sounds a bit more northern, but it just makes me laugh when he pronounces different words. And now, he's fit and blessed with firm muscles that you can see every time he moves his arm. He used to be real lanky and skinny. I guess that's what puberty and traveling does to you, though.

"Okay, why don't you come to our hotel?" Niall said and Harry walked behind him, agreeing. I guess the Meet & Greet was over, finally.

"YES!" Wren said and jumped up, stretching. She looked to Harry then to Niall and I, who were staring at each other.

"Um, I think I'll just... go... over here... with Harry, come on, Harry." She said, quickly, winking at me. She grabbed Harry's jacket and pulled him over to a different spot.

"Well, hello sweetie." I said, repeating myself and he broke out of his trance and laughed, and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his body, his big arms circling around my back and his hands supporting my butt. I could practically feel him smirking.

"Move your hands, Horan." I whispered in his ear and he laughed and moved them to my thighs.

After a minute or so, he put me down.

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