Chapter 23- Talk

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"Simon... W-What are you doing here?" Liam stuttered.

"You know damn well why I'm here!" Simon said, raising his voice. I felt Niall flinch and I squeezed his arm. His hand found its way to mine and interlocked it with mine, calming me down instantaneously.

"No, Sir. We don't." Liam said defiantly, but still respectfully.

"Well it seems as if there are many rumors going around about our love duo here." Simon said and pointed to us. I felt myself blush and Niall's grip tightened.

"I thought I told you to stay inside until you're all healed." Simon said, walking over to me and moving my hair out of my face and observing the bruise.

"We wanted to go out." I said quietly and he stared at me spitefully.

"I don't care what you want to do. I care about the boys and the boys careers. Don't get me wrong, I care about you too, Iver, but the boys are my responsibility and it seems that ever since you've came into the picture, you've been screwing it up." He said and I looked down. Niall got in front of me.

"Look, there's no reason to yell at her. She did nothing wrong. It wouldn't have happened if I didn't do what I did." He said and Simon glared down at him.

"Niall, I have half a mind to kick you out of the band." Simon said and everyone gasped and Niall's face went white.

"You can't do that!" Zayn yelled, walking up to Simon. "If he goes, I go!"

"The band wouldn't be the same without Niall, and you know it." Louis said.

"Boys! I know this! I know how close you are and how well everything goes together. I'm just saying I can if I want. And I don't know another choice I would have if something like this happens again-where's Harry?" Simon said and Niall looked down.

"I want to talk to you three alone. Please get him." He said and I looked over to Louis and he rocked on his heels before running up the stairs, stumbling in the process.

"I want to talk alone." Simon repeated and and Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor, Liam and Sophia walked out of the living room.

Harry came down with Louis wide eyed and walked up to Simon. They were face to face and staring at each other. Louis walked over to us.

"Uh, where, where did they go?" He asked awkwardly and I pointed to a room and he thanked me before scuffling out.

"Now... to talk to you three." Simon said after he left. He turned towards me and ushered me to sit down, alone with Harry and Niall. Niall sat beside me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sick of the drama between you and her, Niall." Simon said quickly to Niall. Niall lowered his head.

"And if you think for two seconds that this abuse scandal won't be world wide, you are very wrong." He continued.

"Harry, you've made it worse by doing what you did tonight. You need to control yourself, something you obviously can't do." He said, turning towards Harry.

"I understand. What are we going to do?" Harry asked.

"You and Niall will work it out. We will tell the press you two are getting serious help and that there was no abuse. Iver, you'll go to interviews and give them the same story. I don't care what it is- slipping in the shower- I don't care. Think of it. Make it believable. Niall, you and Harry will be hangout out with each other everyday for as long as the feud rumors stop." He ordered and Harry jumped up.

"That's not fair!" Harry argued.

"My word is final! No arguments or I will suspend you both from the band. You three will destroy this band!" He yelled. Harry sat back down, obviously seeing the point.

"Niall, I think of you as less of a man. Never put your hands on a girl. It'll take time for my respect to grow back for you. I will have the boys watching you and Iver closely. If it happens I'll have to send you away." He ordered and Niall squeezed my hand and nodded.

"Iver, you will call me if anything happens again?" He asked and I nodded, obviously scared.

"If the band keeps revolving around drama with you, I will have no choice but to keep you and Niall away legally. You get one chance. Keep that in mind. I'm sorry." He said at last before getting up and walking out.

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