Chapter 14- Lazy Days (filler)

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I woke up, once again in the familiar grasp of my boyfriend. Everyday was getting a bit repetitive.

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Sit around/walk around the city.

Go to Darren's job. (Well now Darren and my job. The boss had noticed me sitting there and offered me the job. I figured I needed the extra money.)

Eat lunch.

Work again.

Go home.

Eat dinner.

Watch tv. (I spent my time on my laptop, scrolling through the endless pages of tumblr posts instead of television.)

Go to bed.


Everyday we partook in that ritual. Sometimes we went out for dinner, maybe go to Starbucks for a drink.

But it was okay. I like the ritual, I guess.

And no news from Niall, nor the guys. The last time I talked to them, a month ago, they had just apologized. Other than a tweet saying for us to get back together, nothing's happening.

"Wake up." I said, shaking his arm. I heard him grumble something incoherent and then remove his arms from around me. He got up, only in his boxers.

And to answer your question, no. We haven't had sex yet. We've gotten close, but Darren said he wanted to wait until marriage, which I respect. It's a bit drab, but I'm fine with it. He's not religious at all, but it's still his wishes. I'm a virgin anyway so I don't really mind it.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, his voice unusually deep because he just woke up.

"Fine. You?" I asked. He shook his head and sighed.

"No sleep. Did... did you wake up last night? When I was on the phone?" he asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

No... I don't remember anything. Why? Who were you on the phone with?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Just a prank call. No worries, they just got me started I guess. It was nothing." he said, smiling at me. He turned around and walked into the kitchen, making our breakfast.

I watched him silently as he cooked bacon and eggs and French toast and made us both a plate before setting it down in front of me.

He looked at me and then to the food In front of me and back to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I waited a second and nodded.

"Okay..." He said and sat down and took a bite of his bacon, still staring at me behind the glasses.

"How about we just ditch today and don't do anything?" he asked all of a sudden.

"I mean it is that type of weather." He finished and I nodded, smiling.

It's true. It's December now and it's getting close to Christmas.

"Okay. Good." He said, smiling.

"I also have to tell you something later. Confess something." He said in a serious voice, taking a deep breath. I just nodded.

"God dammit, Iver! talk! it's a one sided conversation!" He said and threw the bacon down on his plate. I had eaten non and he had eaten almost all of his.

I should've probably to talk to him, but I felt no need to. He was getting worked up over nothing. I just didn't feel like talking. I felt nothing.

But still, there's no reason to flip out so fast. I haven't done anything. His temper is really getting to me.

"Iver! Seriously!" He said, getting up and walking over to me. My eyes followed him and the same expression was on my face. Just blank. Well that's not true, I bet you could tell I was annoyed. He needs to calm down, I just don't feel like talking.

"You're scaring me. Stop." He commanded, but his voice was low and quiet. He begged more than commanded.

"Sorry." I said finally to get him to calm down, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Whats wrong with you, Iver? You've been acting like this for days. Not eating, completely unless I say something, barely talking. No energy in anything. You're not okay." He said sadly.

"Im fine. Trust me. I just get like this in the winter." I said, smiling a small smile, trying to get him to know I'm fine.

"You're not fine. You're depressed." He said and I shook my head violently.

"No I'm not I'm okay. Stop worrying about me and worry about yourself." I said and pointed to his arm. His face immediately went red and tears welled in his eyes. He was extremely sensitive about that. I regretted saying that. His moods change so fast, though. One minute he's mad, the next he's crying.

"No, no. Dare. C'mon, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I said, jumping up and hugging him. He hugged me back tightly, sobbing loudly. I felt terrible.

"I'm sorry, Dare. You're doing good. I'm just tired, that's all. I'm sorry for acting this way, I'll get better." I said and smoothed his hair down. He was so tall physically that it probably looked funny to see him cry. He cried with anything that had to do with that subject. Just breaks down.

He nodded and grabbed his inhaler and used it, still hugging me. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were red and his face was tearstained.

"How about we watch The Great Gatsby? would you like that?" I asked, bring one of his favorite movies into subject. He looked up and pushed his glasses up and nodded smally.

"Good." I said, smiling and squeezing him and walking over to the tv and put it in. He sat on the couch, breathing with his inhaler.

"I'll make a snack." I said and came back a second later with a tub of ice cream and two spoons. He was watching the credits by now, sniffling. I was just happy he calmed down.
We watched movies for the rest of the day.

~ 10:00 P.M. ~

I swallowed the rest of the pizza we ordered. Pepperoni.

"So how do you feel now, babe?" I asked, smiling at him.

He stuck his thumb up in the air, signing he felt good. He didn't talk because his mouth was full with pizza, making him have chipmunk cheeks. I smiled at him.

"Are you tired or do you want to go to bed?" I asked and he looked up to me, confused. He chewed feverishly and swallowed in one big gulp then busted out laughing.

"Well I guess I don't have a choice, do i?" he said, laughing. I smirked and shook my head "No".

"Well I guess I'm tired." He said, still smiling.

"Then let's go to bed." I said, laughing a bit and getting up and turning off the television that was only playing the start screen to "Nemo" over and over again. I turned around and saw Darren getting up, so I walked to the room.

"We should go hang out with Wren tomorrow, I haven't seen her in like two weeks." I said and he just mumbled yes. Hopefully she was still was Jasper, and not with Harry. That would make it incredibly awkward around Darren, since Jasper was pretty taken with Wren.

"I'll text her now." I said and pulled out my phone and typed a quick message.

Haven't seen you in a while, wanna hang out? :) we're missing you two! xx -Darren and Iver

I smiled and pressed send, knowing she's probably not going to answer. Though Darren and I were virgins, her and Jasper sure wasn't. I found this out when she described him in vivid detail and told me how often they do it. Mostly every night. I'm scarred.

"Um. Iver," I heard Darren say. I heard the uneasiness in his voice and looked up. "I have something to tell you."

"Shoot." I said, smiling at him. He sat down next to me on the bed and grabbed my shoulder. I then knew he was serious.

"I'm leaving." He said simply.

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