Chapter 10- Moved On

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"I look forward to HOPEFULLY seeing you next year. Class dismissed." Our teacher said in the same monotone voice I've heard for the past year, for the last time until next year. Maybe. It's November 3rd.

We all cheered, making the room shake and the teacher cracked a smile. We all bounded out of the room and I jumped on Darren, who was waiting for me outside of the room. He flipped his wavy hair out of his hair and leaned in and kissed my lips sweetly. I had gotten over Niall now, I don't even think of him anymore.

Well, not a lot.

"Good job. I'm so happy for you, college girl." He said and I giggled and pushed up his glasses and pressed my lips to his once more before jumping down from his embrace.

"Ugh, you two make me sick, get a room." A velvety voice said behind us and we turned around to see a short Wren attached to a barely taller male. This male was Jasper. He was a short guy, probably 5'4- 5'5. He had a timid look on his face but when he was with Wren he looked stronger. He had dirty blonde hair that stopped at his forehead. His brown eyes stood out and sparkled when he saw Wren.

They had been together for a month now. Darren and I set them up, of course. He seemed perfect for her and she completely adores him.

"Says you." I said, nodding towards their embraced hands. Jasper blushed and hugged Wren, congratulating her as Darren did for me.

"How about I take you out?" Darren asked and a smirk played on his lips.

"Starbucks?" I asked, him knowing out tradition.

"Sounds amazing." He said and Wren and Jasper agreed.

We made our way across the street, opening the door to Starbucks and ordering our usual.

We got the drinks and went to the table. I looked up to Darren and saw him giving Jasper a sad look.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked in a concerning tone.

"N-Nothing. It's nothing." He said, giving me a small smile and placing his free arm around me. I stayed looking at him until he shot me a warm smile. I gave one back and placed my lips around the straw and sucked the sweet liquid up.

Once we finished I sighed and grabbed Darren's hand and pulled him out of the little café and walked west towards the hotel he works at. The one Niall was in.

I watched at Darren pulled the door open for me, first stopping to push up his glasses.

I walked through the tall glass door and made my way behind the counter, subtly followed by Darren. He put on a little hat and I giggled at him, earning a glare from him.

"I can't help it! Y-You look like a servant monkey!" I said and pointed to him and he pressed his lips together.

"Shut up." He said, laughing a bit.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

"You want a donut? Hunter left them here for me again." Darren said after a second of silence. I looked in front of him and saw a small silver box. Hunter usually eats all but two so he can save us one each. Hunter is an American from Mississippi, he's also... Large. He's a fat blonde guy, to say the least. I personally don't like him because he's a perv and looks like a murderer, but he's a good friend of Darren's so I be nice.

"Make sure he didn't drug them." I grumbled and Darren frowned at me.

"He actually is a pretty nice guy if you get to know him, Iver." He sighed and I shook my head.

"He's a pervert, that's what he is," I said, pointing to Darren and squinting my eyes. "Remember the first time I met him?"

"Yeah, yeah, he told you that you had a nice ass, blah blah blah." He said, waving his hand, as to sway me away from the subject.

"Don't act like that!" I giggled. He pursed his lips. "You were about to explode because you were so pissed off!"

"No... I was just... frustrated." He said, pausing. He was trying not to smile.

"Darebear got jealous!" I said, mocking him.

"Be quiet." He said, half begging, making me laugh.

"Aweeee, you don't need to worry. I only like you." I said, placing my arms around him, making sure nobody saw, not wanting to jeprodize his job just so I could act all lovey. I pressed my lips to his for a second and pulled away. He smiled at me and pecked my lips once more before he pushed up his glasses.

"Oh really?" I heard a snide voice say, a little bit to cocky for my liking. "You don't like me anymore, Iver?"

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