Chapter 12- Niall's Apology

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I woke up with arms wrapped around me closely, and felt gentle, warm breaths being blown on my neck.

"Darren, wake up babe. I'm late for school." I said and tried to get his grip off of me.

"Mhm?" he said, mumbling something incoherent.

"I'm late for college." I said and he laughed a bit.

"Iver, honey, you finished yesterday." He said and I 'oohed' and felt his breathing slow down and eventually noticed he fell back asleep, so I did the same as him.

About three hours later, I heard a loud crash and jumped up, looking around. We were at Darren's flat.

I went out into the kitchen and saw a half naked Darren in his boxers.

"Shit..." He muttered and picked up a pan off of the floor.

"Are you having trouble?" I asked, laughing slightly. He jumped and whirled around, his face surprised. When he saw me, his face softened and a smile popped up on his face. He walked over to me and embraced me in a long hug.

"Have a good sleep?" he asked, still hugging me. I nodded and said something incoherent, being smothered by his chest. He pulled away from me and I placed a kiss on his lips.

"I said yes. I slept well." I said and he smiled.

"Good." He said and went back over to the stove and put another thing of bacon on the pan and started frying it.

I studied his body from an angle. How he flicked his wrist and slightly swayed, as if dancing, though there was no music. He pushed up his glasses every few minutes and I watched as he flicked his hair, moving away from the stove so he doesn't get any hair in the food. I noticed the faint scars of his wrist and his upper arms and how he was so open with me. I watched him smile as the bacon continually got crispy. I watched as he bit his lip when the grease popped.

"Ready. Come eat, beautiful." He said, making me a plate and my heart jumped when he called me beautiful.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing it and sitting down. He watched me bite into my piece as I watched as he bit into his.

"I was thinking of talking to the boys today... Without Niall." I said and he squinted his eyes.

"Really?" he asked, swallowing. He had a mad look on his face.

"Just because Niall's changes, that doesn't mean that they have." I said, keeping my voice calm. I could tell he didn't want me to go, but I didn't really care.

"Okay. Ill come with you." He said, forcing a smile.

"Alone." I said, and saw his eyes flash with sadness. He shook his head and placed a piece of bacon in his mouth as he looked down.

"Oh." He said simply.

"Darren, I just think that it's best. They probably wouldn't like seeing me with another guy." I pleaded, and he just nodded and took one last drink of his drink before he stood up, a bit too quickly and knocked over a vase with fake flowers in it. It shattered and glass scattered, falling in my lap and all over me.

I looked up into Darren's eyes and he just walked away.

What the actual fuck?

Is he really going to have a little temper tantrum over this?

"Whatever." I mumbled as I get up quickly, sending glass all around me. A piece fell and cut my arm vertically.

"Fuck." I said and held my arm, feeling the blood wetten my fingers.

I grabbed a napkin and pressed it to my wound as I walked out the door, slamming it.

~ At The Boys Flat ~

"Iver!" I heard someone yell and then I'm being pulled into a hug.

I had texted them and they told me where to go.

"Hi guys." I said feebly.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, noticing my less excited attitude.

"Me and... My friend are in a fight." I said, deciding not to tell them Darren's my boyfriend yet.

"You mean your boyfriend." I heard a voice said and I looked over to see Niall coming from a room. He had a mad look on his face and he was pulling down his sleeve.

"Guys, I told you I didn't want to see him." I said and Louis piped up.

"I know but he wants to apologize." He said and I pursed my lips and averted my eyes away from Niall. I crossed my arms as I sat on the couch.

"I only came to see you three." I said sassily and Niall gritted his teeth. Harry awkwardly moved to the side and swayed on his hip.

I wasn't exactly mad at him like I was at Niall, but I couldn't just forgive him like that. He left Wren.

"Look- can we go somewhere," Niall spat and paused, looking around and back to me. "More private?"

Harry and Louis stared, obviously confused.

Niall sighed and grabbed my hand, and I pulled my hand out of his grasp quickly, glaring at him.

"I'm not a puppy. My arm isn't a leash." I said and Niall pursed his lips before walking to a room, and I followed.

"Iver," I said and turned around. Louis was looking at me, his face completely serious. "Just... just think about what Niall's saying, okay?"

I turned around without saying anything.

"What, Niall? I'm not up for your shit." I said and he close the door behind me. He flipped on the lights and I noticed the room had a few posters on one wall and another wall wasn't even a wall. It was just a huge window, facing the city. You didn't even need lights in here, it was already bright.

"I-You know I didn't mean all the stuff I said." Niall said and put his head down in defeat.

"No, why would you even say that?" I said, fighting to keep my voice under control.

"I just... DONT like seeing you with anyone else. It's hard." He said and I laughed crudely.

"No, Niall, do you know what hard is? Someone you thought you loved getting up and leaving without even telling you. For six months! Then they come back and tell you they never loved you. That's hard. So don't start with me." I said, and by the time I was done, tears were falling from my face, along with Niall's.

"What I went through was hard too!" He said loudly, his blue eyes sparkling and red.

"Sure. You didn't even get hurt." I spat, wiping tears away profusely.

"I didn't get hurt? I was forced to leave my best friend! I didn't get go say bye to you or even tell you I was leaving in a note. Modest made us do this. Same with Harry. They said we should stay single! It wasn't me, I would never do that! I love you!" Niall yelled in anger and walked forward, towards me. He grabbed my wrists and my eyes went wide with fear of what he would do.

He pulled me forward and got in my face.

"I said I'm sorry." He snarled and leaned forward and kissed me.

He kissed me!

I fought against him , but he wouldn't stop. He pressed me to the wall and forced my wrists on the wall, holding me there. He still had his lips on mine and I fought to tell myself not to kiss back. I was struggling and slowly falling into the kiss when I finally broke my left wrist away and pushed him.

He back up and smiled at me. My face went red and I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face.

"Don't talk to me ever again." I whispered, looking down at Niall who was crouching down and holding his nose.

I burst out the room and ignored my name being called by four other people and ran out the flat, being bombarded with paparazzi.

I was pushed and grabbed, but I just kept running to Darren's house. I didn't wipe away the tears falling, nor did I ever stop running.

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