Chapter 16- To America

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~ Two Weeks Later ~

"I can't believe this is happening. So soon." Darren said as he packed up the rest of his things. I twirled the ring on my finger, the ring he got me. It was real diamond, surprisingly, with his short paying job I wasn't sure how he got it. He explained how he had gone working when I was sleeping or simply not with him.

On the other hand, I had gotten him the new version of Call Of Duty, Call of Duty: Ghosts, along with Skyrim and two sweaters.

It was time for Darren to go. I just can't get that wrapped around my head. He's leaving. It came so fast.

"Me either." I said as I look down. He came over and placed a large hand on my shoulder, making me look up.

"Promise me you'll be okay? That you'll stay strong?" he said, more of a question.

"I will. I've told you this, haven't I?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes." He said, lowering his head.

"It's just that-" Darren started, but was cut off by the faint sound of a car horn. It was his taxi.

"I need to go, plane leaves in an hour." He said and I nodded. We had planned his out, I was going up there with him, but not leaving with him. We decided using a taxi was the best way of transportation to the airport because it wouldn't be the best idea if I was driving home alone.

"I got it." He said, reaching for his bag. I picked up one of his black, almost greyish, leather suitcases to hand to him. He placed his hand around mind on his suitcase and got it from my grasp.

We went out of his apartment, I making sure to lock the door when we shut it and walked to the yellow and black taxi waiting for us on the street.

We climbed in and I was immediately greeted with the horrid smell of smoke and ashes. I threw my gaze over to Darren who was looking at me with a grossed out expression and I watched him wrinkle his nose.

"'Ello! In you pop, lass!" he said with a thick British accent. I climbed in the backseat unwillingly and shut the door behind me, which popped back open.

"Um, sir. Your door." I said and he laughed. His laugh was deep and throaty, and sounded as if he was fighting mucus in his throat because of years of smoking.

"Ya gotta slam it!" He said loudly and I hesitated and grabbed the handle and quickly pulled it towards me with the little force I have.

"Good job, lass." The driver said. I got a good look at him, though it was dark. He was a chubby man and had long darkish hair that was balding badly at the top, showing the crown of his head. He had a five o' clock shadow and was wearing a white tank-top, though you couldn't call it white anymore because it was stained with grease.

"Where you headed?" he asked Darren.

"Airport please." He said, his brow furrowing.

"Yes suuuur." The driver said and took off quickly, making us go backwards.

It was quiet for a long time before Darren spoke up.

"Christmas Eve. Why make me leave on Christmas Eve?" he said and I looked up. I was leaning on his chest while he was playing with my hair.

"I dunno. Maybe they just want to see how dedicated you are." I said, pausing. "Or maybe they just wanna fuck with you."

"Probably. I mean can they seriously not guess that I have family and friends I want to spend Christmas with?" He said and I felt his heartbeat accelerate.

"Dickheads." I said and he nodded.

"I'm gonna have a proper talk with-" he said but was cut off by him coughing. I sat up and looked at him and he looked back at me. He coughed again and again and soon he was in a fit.

"Okay, okay! Calm down." I said as I got his inhaler out and handed it to him. He pumped it a few times before breathing easier.

"Can you please put that out?" He asked and I looked up to see the driver smoking a cigarette.

"Don't tell me how to do my job, mate." He said and Darren's eyes widened behind the glasses.

"Uh excuse me but he's very asthmatic and he could have serious problems." I said and he laughed.

"Bollocks! Ain't nothin' but being a down right twat." He said and I looked at him with disgust.

"You are literally so stupid." Darren said, rolling his eyes.

"Ya ya. Now get outta me car, four-eyes." The driver said and i got out quickly. We were at the airport. I checked the time 7:00 pm and his plane leaves at 7:20 pm. It was already pitch black dark.

"Sorry about that." Darren said behind me and wrapped his arms around me, making me jump.

"Oh, it's okay. C'Mon, lets get you through the line." I said, pulling him along.

The process of getting searched wasn't fun but we made it through. We had come to the gate, where they were calling the plane to board.

"Well, I guess this is it." He said and I nodded, feeling tears rise.

"I guess it is." I said in a small voice.

"Oh God, Iver, I'll miss you!" he said, bursting into tears and hugging me. I had already started crying before his said that. I watched as the line to board got shorter and shorter.

"Please be good. Be strong and don't do anything you and I will regret." he said and sniffled. He rubbed his glasses of his tears and ran his hand through his hair.

"I will." I said, not fully promising him.

"You have been one of the only good things in my life. From the day I met you, you have been a source of positivity in my life." I said to him and he nodded.

"I can still remember the first time I saw you. I remember seeing you go up to Niall's flat and I thought 'Wow she has to be the prettiest girl I've seen.' I remember hearing your laugh and hearing your voice when you talked to Wren and I remember thinking that you had to be mine. I'm so happy you had that little panic attack so I could help you and meet you. I remember how random and open you were about your scars and how passionate and determined you were to help me. I remember how sad you were when I told you about David and my family. I was happy all this stuff happened to us. That sounds terrible but it's true. You've made me a better person. You've made me actually try to be ambitious and you've made me less shy. I'm going to miss the fuck out of you. But you'll be okay. I know you will." He said and wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead.

"Sir, you need to board the plane." A flight attendant said, breaking the moment.

"Sorry." He said as he bent down to pick up his suitcases. I sniffled and wiped a tear away. He turned back to me and smiled before waking away.

"Darren!" I said and he stopped and turned around. I ran up to him and kissed him on the lips passionately. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

That was the last thing he said before smoothing his hand over my cheek and walking back.

I watched as the plane pulled out and I watched as the plane took off into the air. I longed to be on that plane with him, holding his hand and whispering about America to him. He's going to love it.

I finally walked away from the window and sat on a chair and broke down. I violently shook and sniffed and sobbed and I bet I seemed a mess. But in all honesty, I couldn't give one fuck.

What was I going to do now?

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