10,He finds out You self Harm or used to self harm

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~Tw warning guys if it tws you then don't read,Also read the button note please <3 Listen to the song as you read this please ~

Markiplier- Your having a bad day,Bullied and hated and unloved you don't know what to feel but when your with Mark,You feel love and passion and not hated and you feel wanted.You looked at your new cuts and you feel so useless and you whimpered.You heard the door open and a gasp.You looked up and sees mark with tears in his eyes and him rush to you.He kissed all your new and old scars and he wraps them up.He is crying and he said "no more baby promise me,please baby promise me" he cried out.Your crying now and you cupped his face and he rest his forehead on yours.You cried out and said "i promise baby boy" he pulls you into his arms and he rocks you comforting you.You rest your head on his chest.You wiped his tears and he wiped your tears.He said "i love you so much baby" You said "i love you too handsome" 5 months later you stopped self harming and Mark was very proud of you.you never self harm again.

Darkiplier- You wrapped up your new scars and you sit down on the floor in the living room.Holding your wrist to your chest You promised Dark to Never self harm again but you slipped up and hated it that you did and broke your promise.You looks up and sees Dark and he looks very upset hes mad you slipped up but he understands.His face changed from mad to Sad.He dropped on his knees and in front of you.Dark said "you promised" You cried out and said "i'm so sorry baby" Dark feels tears rolls down his cheeks and he rolls up his sleeve and shows his old self harm cuts and he said "i stopped for you.Now you need to stop for me,Let me heal you and love you.Your mine forever and i am yours forever.I never want to lose you baby girl" he cupped your face and kisses you with love and passion.You kissed back with love and passion.6 months later you stopped self harming and Dark is very proud of you.He makes sure your love and happy and feel wanted.

Googleplier- You got to tell Google about your past that you used to self harm.Your scared how he would react because you don't want lose him.You love him so much and he loves you so much.You walked into the living room where Google is watching Tv.he watching his favorite Show.You sit down on the couch and in his arms.He looked at you with love in his eyes.You look at him with love in your eyes.You looked down and said "baby i used to self harm.i'm sorry" Google made you look at him and hes very sad,he got tears in his eyes.He said "promise to never do it again.your my world,Show me all your old self harm cuts please" You did and he kissed all your own cuts and he kissed up and he kissed your jaw and pecks your lips.You said "i promise baby" breathes out.7 months later Google is very happy that you kept your promise.He does still make sure to make sure your okay and love and everything.

Wilford Warstache- You have to tell Wilford about how you used to self harm and your scared to tell him.Would he leave you? them thoughts runs through your mind as you thinking.You giggled and kissed him with love and passion.he kissed back with love and passion.you guys end up making out.You felt Wilford hands head to the place you used to self harm.He felt him pull from the kiss and looks at the place he touched that you used to self harm at,He said "i know it" you can tell hes heartbroken and hes crying.The first time you seen him ever cry.Your shocked and he cupped his face.Wilford said as hes crying "i know it.Why didn't you tell me angel? i love you so much i don't hide anything from you" You said "i was scared you would leave me,I promise to never hide anything from you" You promised him.He said "and i promise to never hide anything from you"he promised.He climbed ontop of you and cloths went flying.You can guess what happened ;) he comfort you and you comfort him all night long and into the morning.You did keep your promise and he did keep his promise too.

~Quick Note Guys: I been the same struggle,I'm not going to lie but i used to self harm and still have the trouble with it,I'm not going to put it in details.But please if you self harm or trying to stop talk to someone,tell your friends for him,ask your family.Your teachers anyone please.I know its hard trust me i know.But Mark wouldn't want us hurting our selfs remember he loves us and he wants us happy he really does care about us.He reaches out to us everyday when he uploads his videos on youtube let him fix us and make us happy like he always does he really does care <3 .Please if you have this struggle,Please leave me a comment on this preferences or on my page saying you need to talk.I will always be there to help you i promise,and i really do promise i always wanted to help people.I'm always here to talk or listen,There are people out there to help you and people do care.Sorry this is a sad preference but i will make a very cute one next time i update i promise.Bye Bye Guys~

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