43, Their wife speaking a different language around him

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Sorry a head a time i have to use Google translate so sorry if its wrong.I will say what Language your speaking.Will at the end say what it means in the preference or at the end if the guy speaks it too,

Markiplier- (You speak French) Your sick on the couch,You were talking to your boss on your find since Mark is recording and you hummed softy on the phone as your listening to your boss and you said into the phone "Je comprends monsieur je serai là demain." hanged up the phone, Mark who finished and heard what you said, He Asked "thats so cute,what did you say" You said "I said i understand Sir i will be there tomorrow." Mark nodded and kissed your head, He said "soup?" you nodded and said "please" he smiles and went into the kitchen and made you soup.

Darkiplier-(You speak Irish) You and Dark were in the middle of a fight its a dumb fight and you said "Tá mé tinn de troid, is breá liom tú an méid sin mé fuath troid leis leat is féidir linn le do thoil stop a troid" Dark raised his eye brow turned on yet very confused and he said "hot,what did you say?" You repeated but this time in English "i'm sick of fighting,i love you so much i hate fighting with you can we please stop fighting" Dark cupped your face and said "no more fighting darling" kissed both your cheeks and you sighed happily knowing no more fighting since you both hate fighting with each other.

Wilford Warfsache-(You Speak Italian) You and Wilford been flirting and you thought it would be funny to talk in a different language with you did you said "lover boy vostro così carino, Capisci cosa sto dicendo? il vostro mio bel marito amo così tanto." Wilford shocked you when he said "bella signora io chiamo mia moglie ti amo così tanto e si prende tanta cura di me" He said purring and you blushed a lot and bite your lip now.You said "tutti i discorsi sexy" Wilford smirked and said "We will see about that" walked away teasing you to the bedroom.

Y/n said: lover boy your so cute,Do you understand what i'm saying? your my handsome husband i love so much.

Wilford said: pretty lady i call my wife i love you so much and you take such good care of me

Y/n said: all talk sexy

Glitchiplier- (You Speak German)You giggled at Glitch trying to say what your saying since your teaching him German and you said again "Roter Apfel sieht lecker aus" Glitch chuckles then said "did you say red apples look yummy" You popped the P and said "yes" He said "try another one" You nodded and said 'Ich liebe dich über alles" He blushed and said "i love you so much too baby girl" kissed your cheek happily and he sighed happily now and rubs his nose against your cheek then said "mein Baby" you giggled and said "so cute"

Glitch said; My baby

Googleplier-( You speak Romanian) You giggled as you and Google are talking in a different language since hes a computer well hes Google he knows every language. So this is fun speaking the Language with him. Google said "Îmi place chicotească ta" You said in awe "Îmi place totul despre tine draga" Google said in awe "as i love everything about you too my love" kissed your blushing cheeks which made you giggle in awe and sighed happily. You guys look at each other with love and adore with in you guys eyes and he nuzzles into your cheek happily.He sighed happily as you sighed happily now.

Google said: I love your giggle

y/n said: i love everything about you darling

Captain Falcon-(You speak Spanish) Your on the mom with your mom she speaks both English and Spanish as you do too. You said "Sí, mamá y Falcon vendrán mañana, no puedo esperar a verte, igual que Falcon" you guys finished talking and you hang up seeing Falcon in awe and he said "i have no clue what you said but it sounds cute" he likes you mom,she thinks of him as a son.You repeat but this time in English "Yes mama me and Falcon will be coming over tomorrow i can't wait to see you,same as Falcon" Falcon smiled and kissed your cheek "your too cute" he chuckles but pecks your lips as you pecks his lips.

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