31,My soulmate (Captain Falcon)

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y/n: your name

You giggled watching Captain Falcon goofing off,It reminds you of you guys first date which was messed up yet funny but you gave it another shot with him on another date.He made it up to you in a heartbeat and you are so happy you gave him another chance.You wanna know why? You guys are happily married now and you guys brought in this world 2 wonderful kids and twins in your stomach.Four kids together it don't shock you since Twins runs in the family,You know Captain Falcon is your soulmate since day one.He knows your his soulmate since day one too.You guys wouldn't change it for the world tho.You smiled and rubs your 9 months pregnant baby bump feeling the twins kicking happily in your stomach,Captain Falcon noticed your smile which made him smile and walk over and places his hands on your baby bump.He rubs your baby bump and said to it "hey its daddy.Mommy and I can't wait to meet you guys,Your older brother and Sister can't wait ether.It can be any day now and i can't wait to hold you guys,Your guys mom,you guys and brother and sister are the world to me.i can't wait to meet you babies,We love you so much" he finished and he rubs your baby bump and the twins kicking happily against his hands knowing their daddy is there and talking to them,Which made you cry happily tears and Falcon kissed your cheeks and wipes your eyes.He said "i love you wifey" You smiles and pecks his lips and said "i love you too hubby"

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