36,he meets your parents

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~you guys are dating in this one~

Markiplier- He was nervous and he didn't want to stay still you know how its worried because he was to make sure your parents likes him.You know how much it means to him for your parents to like him and you check the time and said "time to go baby boy" mark came down to you and you guys go to your parents house and holding hands and mark tighten his grip on your hand but not hurting you and you guys walked in and was greeted by your parents and your dad took Mark in the other room and ask him questions.You looked at your mom and she said "all dad's do this" she giggled and you looked worried but your worried went away when you see Mark and your dad joking and coming out the room.You guys had dinner and once you guys finished dinner you guys head home and once you walked in..you teased him "told you they will like you" Mark blushed and said "hush darling".You guys end up snuggling watching a movie.

Darkiplier- Dark not nervous well acting like hes not but you can tell in his eyes he is.he knows there might be drama in this meeting but he hopes they don't take you away from him since he loves you so much and your his everything and he fixed his shirt and his hair and you walked in and said "you will be okay baby" Dark said "i hope i don't want to lose you" You said "if they don't like you i don't care,i listen to my heart and my heart wants you and belongs to you" you guys head to your parents house and holding hands and you guys walked in and your parents got a funny face on right now.Dark got more nervous and cleared his throat.Your mom step up first and ask him questions Dark answers them,Your father did the same and Dark answered them and they nodded loving his answers.Your dad said "i approve of you guys but you hurt her i will get you" dark nodded slowly not scared and you guys head home.

Googeplier- Google was nervous meeting your parents he met your other broth joey and your sister Sarah they love him with you so does Matt your other brother and his wife Amanda loves it.Your shocked seeing google nervous he only shows how he feels around you he hides it from everyone else.You fixed his hair for him as he fixing his shirt.You placed your hands on his chest and said "i love you Google" He said "i love you too Y/n" you guys head to your parents house and you became nervous but at the end you know you will be with your Google.Your parents faces went from shock to creep out.Your face got anger on it but Google calms you down and your parents wont even talk to Google.You had enough and left with Google,When you guys got home.you cupped a frowning Google face and said "they are not wroth it darling" when you guys got married,you made sure your parents wasn't aloud to come.they wasn't aloud to meet their grand kids ether.

Wilford Warfsatche- You know this will end up badly since Wilford is a criminal and you know how your parents are.They are strict and goody goody unlike Wilford,your not strict but your not goody goody ether.Wilford is the one who wanted to meet them.You guys walked into the house and your parents faces when from shock to mad and you cling onto Wilford arm and Wilford narrowed his eyes and they jumped back and said "i love your daughter,no wonder she don't want me to meet you,you guys wont talk plus your looking at me like that.she my princess and nothing going to stop me from seeing her" You parents said "Get out" warms,you tugged Wilford arm and he picks you up and he flipped your parents off and left with you in his arms and they wasn't aloud at you and Wilford wedding at all and made sure they didn't meet their grand kids.

Glitchiplier- You hope this ends well since everyone can tell you and Glitch loves each other and nothing going to stop you guys from loving each other.Glitch pops out the TV hes all ready to meet your parents and he clearly got nervous in his eyes.You took his hand and rub his back of his hand and pecks his lips he pecks your lips back and said "i'm nervous," You said "i can tell baby boy,my Parents don't judge so don't worry" you looked into his eyes his one blue eye and his one red eye.Hes prefect and you love him so much and you guys walked into your parents house and Glitch tighten his grip on your hand not hurting you.Your parents like you said to him wasn't judging them but they do ask him answers and he answers all of them with the truth and your mom said "i like him" you giggled but smiled and your dad said "i approve,treat her well" Glitch said "she my princess,i will protect her and treat her like my princess as i am her prince" you guys left and Glitch is so happy your parents approved of him.

Captain Falcon- Falcon acting like hes fine when hes really truly is nervous and bit scared to lose you since your his everything but anyways you head upstairs and your nervous too you know how much he wants them to approve of him and you giggled and said "you can't take your helmet" Falcon pouts but put it down understanding and he took your hand and said "lets go darling" you holding his hand back and lace you guys fingers together.You guys head into your parents house and you see them at the table and you guys head to the table and sat down next to each other and you said there as they are asking Falcon questions and he answers them all with the truth like he knows you want him to ether tho he would always say the truth when it comes to you.Once they finished they nodded and looked at each other before they said "We approve" Falcon excited and when you guys go home you said "we were nervous for nothing" Falcon nodded agreeing with you.

Doctoriplier- He's a bit nervous but not much since he took care of your Father when your father had a heart-attack and was in the hospital Doctor took care of him.Your Father already approve of him your mom met him too and approves of him but he got to sit down with them and talk to them and answer their questions which that made him a bit nervous and you guys head to your parents house and walked in holding hands and you guys sat down in the living room.Your parents in front of you guys sitting together.You and Doctor sitting with them in front of you guys and you and Doctor sitting together and he answers all the questions from your parents and he made sure to answer them all and don't skip any questions and once he finished he took a deep breathe and he knows they already approved of them and Mom said "you picked a wonderful guy Y/n" you said "Thank you ma" you guys hug and head home hand and hand with him and end up having a movie night.

Officer Fischbach- You and Mark are heading to your parents house he is very nervous but he hopes they approve he is a cop and hes madly in love with you and he always keeps you protected and love and he holding you close and hes in his officer uniform Since he just got off of work and didn't have time to change and he holding your hand more and you guys walked in this is the first time his meeting your parents so hes going to be nervous and your parents shocked but happy seeing your dating a cop.So that he changed you for good you stop getting arrested for him.Your Father ask him questions as your mom and you talking.you said "i love him so much ma" Mark and father finished talking.Mark said "i love you so much too princess" you blushed and he kissed his cheek.Your father said "i approve" you and mark hugged each other happily.When you guys got home you guys took a bubble bath and relaxed and talked to each other before getting changed and laid down in bed for snuggles.

Mr.Fischbach- Hes very nervous since hes your teacher but your over the age your 18 but still hes your teacher but you guys don't care you guys make sure not never get caught tho in till your high school graduation then people can know about you guys.The graduation is in 3 weeks so you guys can't wait and you and mark head to your parents house.You sees them shocked seeing mark but they don't judge and they took you guys in and ask questions to mark and he answers them and once they finished they said "approve,don't hurt her" Mark said "i will never hurt her i love her so much and she my everything.i never want to lose my baby girl" You said "i love you so much too handsome and you will never lose me" you guys go home and share a kiss before you guys snuggled watching TV that night.

Punkiplier- You know this will end up badly since your father already know Punk and don't like him so Punk wants to met your mom and you guys heading to your parents house and You got a gut feeling saying your mom will love him but you know for a fact your father don't like Punk at all which you don't care your not close to your father.Your very close to your mom.You guys walked in holding hands your father face turns hard and mad.Your mom squeals seeing you and hugs you,you hugs back your parents are Divorced your mom raised you,your dad was never in your life.You mom asked Punk questions and he answers them and he looks at you with love and adore in his eyes. Your mom in awe at this she thinks you guys are so cute together as for your dad he looks like hes going to flip or throw up but ether of you guys cared.Your dad slam the door and let you just shrugged and looked at your punk.Mom said "Welcome to the family Punk" You guys go home happily not caring about your father,at your wedding your mom come,she was the one who walked you down the Aisle,she was the first to come see you when you gave birth to you and punk kids,your dad never showed and you guys don't care at all.Your mom found a lovely man and married him

((do you guys like preferences long like this? also please check out my new story called Mark & Lisa daily vlogs please i work hard on all my stories.Also if you guys got request please comment them in the comments or on my pages or messages please.Thank you for Reading and Also this took me 3 hours and its 5.3 pages and 1969 words~

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