46, He Visits you at work

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Markiplier- you are working right now and hummed deeply as you taking pictures and you thinking, you will be on lunch break soon,you love where you work,You did a lot photoshoots for famous people and also did for youtubers too. you love working and you checked the time and hummed, You heard someone walk you smiles seeing your Markimoo "hey handsome" he smiles and said "i know you were going on break so i brought us lunch so we can hang together" pecks your lips you pecked his lips back and smiles wide dimples showing "thank you handsome" he smiles as you guys sat down and said "your welcome" you guys ate lunch and talked your whole lunch break.

Darkiplier- your in your office in yours and dark house,you deep in work didn't notice a handsome man leaning against your door watching you in awe yet amused seeing how deep you are into recording your a gamer a youtuber, you glanced side seeing him and you smiles Which he smiled back,he sit down on a chair and watches you work he made sure not to go into the frame where the camera is and he holds your hand you hold it back and you working and Your Dark watching you in awe,He does enjoy watching you work he loves your reactions to the games and he loves when the games has jump scares he watches you now and you smiles as your working.he kissed the back of your hand softy.

Wilford Warfstache- you are working your a doctor and Wilford stopped by with your lunch plus he enjoys watching you work he always did for some reason you enjoy his company when he stays with you at Work,like he always does he always on time and he already in your office and you smiles walking in seeing him he pecks your lips and sets your guys lunch on your desk,you sat near him and you pecked his lips back, Wilford said "hey darling" you smiles and said "hey handsome" kissed his cheek and you both smiling. you guys talked and eat lunch together and Wilford stayed there for a little while before he goes to work and gives you a kiss before he left for work.

Glitchiplier- Your working on your computer your a teacher and the kids are at lunch when your computer starting acting funny,you cocked an eye brow but you got a gut feeling whats going on and your gut was right, Glitch was in your computer he smiles and goes to the screen before getting out your computer and your amused now you said "baby you could of came though the door" he chuckles and said "Whats the fun in that" he kissed your cheek and sat down on your desk you smiles and lays your head on his lap,he kissed your head and plays with your hair he asked "hows your day?" you said "rough but i know i will be home with you" glitch smiles "soon darling,i can't wait for you to come home"

Googleplier- Your working on set your a famous actress you get your own trailer which your glad you got one since your on a very famous show that been running for years now,anyway you head to your trailer since you finished your scene and have to wait for the set to get ready for the next scene and you walked into your trailer and Google sitting on your couch waiting for you to come back, google sees you, he smiles warmly you smiled pecks his lips "hey handsome,you like sneaking in" google chuckles and said "yes but i did miss you so its worth breaking in" you giggles and sits down on his lap and lays your head on his chest he lays his head on your shoulder and you said "i missed you too handsome" you guys stayed snuggled up in till you had to go do another scene and he stayed in your trailer in till you got back so you guys can spend more time together.

Captain Falcon- Your doing a concert singing,your a famous singer and you go to your dressing room to get changed into another outfit for the next song and you getting changed when falcon walks in and he smiles 'hey baby girl" you smiled putting your pants on and kissed his cheek 'hey baby boy' he smiles and sits down while your getting dressed. you smiled knowing hes going to stay in the backstage so he can stay because once you finish this concert your going home and you smiled once you finished getting dressed and you rubs his cheek asked "hows your day?" he answered "it was good boring,missing you" you said "i miss you too,i will be home after this last song" you promised him and he smiles nodding, he walks with you to backstage and he stays there so you can go on stage he pecks your lips before you walked on to the stage and sing the last song for the concert.

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