17,How is is with you when your in labor

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~You Guys are now in labor <3 ~

Markiplier- he stuck by your side and never leave it,He did winced few times seeing you in pain he hates seeing you in pain but you guys both know the outcome of this pain will be wonderful when the baby is out.You Guys can't wait to meet you guys son.Mark gripped your hand and you tried not to squeeze it so hard.He never let you go which keep you happy and loved.

Darkiplier- He would wipe the sweat off your forehead and whisper sweet nothing in your ear to keep you calm because you were yelling at him saying this is his fault and how you wont let him ever touch you again when you both know that's a lie and he let you squeeze his hand.You guys can't wait to meet you guys son and daughter.

Googleplier- You guys can't wait to meet you guys daughter,Your in so much pain and was yelling at him which all he did was chuckle at you and your empty threats and the doctor looks scared at goggle and goggled just chuckled again and smiled at you which you smiled back and then growled in pain and then growls at him.

Captain Falcon- He smiled and rubs his hands up and down your arms and baby bump,You guys son and daughter should be here soon and you guys couldn't wait,your tired and throat is sore from yelling at Falcon,your sucking on ice and Falcon put his hand into yours and you squeezed it hard which made him pout and you growl at him.He just chuckled.

Wilford Warstache- You felt sorry for the doctor.The doctor was scared of Wilford knows hes a reporter but always now a criminal.Wilford already threat the doctor to make sure nothing bad happens and no cops.The doctor listened fast and Wilford rest his head on yours and let you tug at his hair which you did happily since you love to tug his hair.

Glitchiplier- You guys couldn't wait to meet you guys kids,You guys having triples 2 boys and 1 girl and you guys both know how protective glitch is going to be,yeah the doctor was scared of glitch when he seen him,Glitch just smiled and waved at the doctor and you thought the doctor was going to pass out,Glitch is holding your hand and letting you playing with his hand.you would squeeze it when your in pain.

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