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How many books am I gonna shoot out of ass before I die? Tbh I don't even know

But I've always wanted to make one like this and whoop, here it is

First person shooter

I mean, Joshler


"Hi! I'm Josh or Joshua or SpookyJim as you all know me by. I just wanted to give some pointers about me I guess? Josh what even are you saying?"


"Salutations! What?"


"Hey! I'm Josh or Joshua Dun or SpookyJim. But you can call me daddy. Josh oh my god you can't post that"


I leant back from against the camera laughing, trailing my fingers through my silky hair and down to scratch my neck. I have to admit, yeah it was sad that I made myself laugh but it did no harm. Harm is nasty, don't try it.

I glanced to the clock and realised I had one hour until my new school picked me up. I wasn't excited, I just moved to Britain and I was 16 meaning I was in Secondary and was about to face my GCSEs.

I decided to give it one last attempt, clicking the record button and lifting my hand up as a sing of hello

"Hello! It's me, and no, I'm not singing Adele. Anyways, I'm here to give you all a nice talk about myself seem as though you lovely people on Tumblr requested it. My name is Josh or Joshua Dun. I'm a homosexual meaning I suck dick, and people with vaginas scare me. I don't really have a crush I guess. I'm band trash and at the moment my hair is lilac. I'm planning on going blue next of course. I just moved from Ohio into Britain and I'm starting a new shitty school. Peace! Love you"


I clapped my hands together and yelled a yes. I posted it and began to get ready

Even if I wasn't ready, I looked it

"Standards" -JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now