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Chapter One;

The last thing Patricia Bolton wanted to happen was for her peace and quiet to be disturbed when the Hogwarts Express hadn't even left Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

But the door slid open and two voices floated through, loud and very, very annoying. Patricia sighed heavily and waited for the two to notice they were not alone.

"The train is just about to leave! Where are they?"

"Calm down, Hermione. They were right behind us, they'll be appearing any second now."

"They'll get here and the train will already be leaving."

"They were following me and mum, they really shouldn't be held up much longer, maybe a few Muggles were watching."

"Maybe, but still -"

"Oh, who are you?"

Patricia rolled her eyes and looked pointedly up from from her book. "Finally realised someone else was in here, did you?"

The two girls who had pulled open her compartment door blinked, affronted. Serves them right, Patricia thought, idly turning a page of her book while still observing the two. She'd been planning to spend her ride to Hogwarts in peace and solitude, before the two decided to barge in.

The redhead and the slightly taller brunette still lingered in the doorway, watching Patricia uncertainly. No one spoke, leaving the air thick with awkward silence until the clock struck eleven o'clock. The train began to pull out of the station - when no one else had run out of the barrier.

"Well, looks like the people you're waiting for have missed the train," Patricia muttered, not bothering to keep the disdain out of her voice. "Can't say I'm sorry."

The girl with bushy hair but her lip and looked out of the window anxiously. However, the smaller redhead was glaring at Patricia.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

She had fire and attitude enough to match her fiery hair.

"Patricia Bolton," Patricia said idly. "If I cared I ask for your names, but since I don't..." She shrugged and opened her book again.

She didn't get to read a single word, for her words had pulled the brunette from her stupor. Patricia merely raised her eyebrows as the girl rounded on her. 

"Well, for your information, I'm Hermione Granger," she said hotly, "and this -"

"I'm Ginny Weasley," the redhead said.

"Pleasure," Patricia said, in a tone that suggested it was anything but.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You know what, Ginny, we could find another compartment."

Patricia smiled. "Please do. You're really annoying me, you know, and I'd rather not have a headache before we reach Hogwarts."

"And you're irritating me," Ginny snapped.

Patricia grinned and winked.

"That's all the more reason to leave, you know."

The bushy-haired girl spun around and stormed into the corridor. Ginny turned and, before she left, pulled a face at Patricia as though determined to annoy Patricia. 

When the door slid shut once again separating her from all of the rowdy, irritating and immature people outside, Patricia breathed out in relief. She sunk back into her seat and lost herself in her book, muttering irritably under her breath when she realised she had lost her place when Ginny and Hermione entered and had to waste time finding it again.

And from then on, Patricia decided that she disliked everything from the red hair to the pretty face of Ginny Weasley.


oh man idk what this is tbh

but don't rivalries always start over the silliest things at least that's what i've discovered from personal experience

but i kinda love patricia so yeah

and i'm really excited for the rest of this story so expect quite a few updates coming up!!

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