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It was a relief to be back at Hogwarts for second year.

If she was to be honest, Patricia had been counting down the days until she returned to the castle- she enjoyed herself far more here than at home, anyway, even if there were classes she'd prefer not to attend, and a few people she'd rather not see.

"Please tell me you're not going to continue with your strange obsession with the Weasley girl this year," Daisy grumbled at the welcome feast.

Patricia just rolled her eyes and had a large serving of pork chops.

She was looking forward to getting stuck back into lessons, learning as much as she could, and spending endless hours by the fire in the Slytherin common room watching the gold flames illuminate the green walls, or in the library surrounded by rows upon rows of books. She wanted to walk the grounds and explore the secret passages and discover more about the secrets of the school.

Yes, she loved being back at Hogwarts.

+   +   +

Potions had become Patricia's favourite class for several reasons.

One, she actually really enjoyed the subject.

Two, it also happened to be her best subject.

And three, it didn't hurt that Snape favoured Slytherin house, so Patricia found she could at least get away with a lot more than she could in McGonagall's class.

The only downside was that they shared the class with the Gryffindors, and students in both houses were determined to keep up the long-standing rivalry between the houses. And, of course, it meant that Ginny Weasley was in the class as well.

Though, Patricia was starting to think that having Ginny in the same class wasn't actually that bad a deal.

Nowadays, Patricia was finding it harder to find reasons why she disliked Ginny so much. Their rivalry just existed, like the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor, there was no other explanation for it. After a solid year of keeping it up, the mere thought of even calling a truce was downright strange.

Even though, Patricia wouldn't have minded if they set their rivalry aside - a few times she'd caught herself thinking that Ginny would have actually been quite a good friend if they put their differences aside.

The class was coming to an end, which was Patricia's favourite part of Potions. By now the room was full of vapours and multi-coloured steam - it was also the part when the potion came together and you could be rewarded your hard work.

Patricia smiled at her potion. Ten minutes left to go, and it was nearly finished. One more step and it would be complete.

Her head lifted to survey the class. There were differing expressions on everyone's faces; some were sweating, stirring their cauldrons frantically and ruffling through their textbooks, while others were more relaxed.

One such person was Ginny Weasley, Patricia realised, who was chatting with a friend. The brunette's eyes were just scanning over the redhead when her heart stopped and her gaze snapped back at once. Ginny was not paying attention to her potion, and she'd grasped a bottle of salamander blood - instead of rose oil.

Merlin's beard, no!

She knew what would happen if Ginny poured the salamander blood in, and it wouldn't be pretty. 

Without even thinking, Patricia lunged across the space between them and cried, "Ginny, wait! Don't!"

Ginny glanced over in mild surprise, but it was too late. The redhead had poured the blood in, and the effect was instant.

Patricia screeched as the potion erupted upward like a volcanic eruption, and the blood red potion covered the ceiling, the walls, and the people in the vicinity  - which happened to be Ginny, and herself.

Both their robes were now saturated in thick red potion, which slowly dripped down to the stone floor. Patricia winced as the potion caused a rash that spread across her entire body and had to grasp her robes to stop herself from scratching her bad skin - which was a bad move since her hands only spread across in rash as well. Ginny's face was now nearly as red as her hair.

Snape swooped on top of them in a second.

"Detention Miss Weasley, Miss Bolton," he said in a dangerously silky voice. "Did you think it would be amusing to try and destroy our classroom? Miss Bolton, as someone from my house, I expected better from you. Both of you go and see Madam Pomfrey then come straight back to receive your detentions."

With that he swept away, leaving the two girls dripping potion and looking at each other in absolute horror.

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