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Chapter Eleven;

Patricia gritted her teeth and pulled her Muggle Studies textbook closer to her, as though by blocking sight of Victor Krum's giggling fan club they would just wink out of existence. But, unfortunately for her, it didn't work: their obnoxious high-pitched voices (which were somehow still ridiculously loud even though they whispered) and squeals irritating her to her very core.

"Oh, shut up, he's not even that good looking!" she seethed, slamming her textbook on the table. "They wouldn't spare him a second look if he wasn't an international Quidditch player!"

Ginny flashed her an amused smile from the other side of the table. "Calm down, Cia. I don't fancy being kicked out of the library a fourth time."

"Madam Pince should thank me if I go over and curse them all to silence - then the library would be quiet as it's supposed to be! They're not even doing any studying!" Patricia glowered at the group of girls. "C'mon, Gin, you know I'd be doing everyone a favour if I went over there and cursed the lot of them."

"No, you wouldn't, because you'll just land yourself a detention - remember, Madam Pince did threaten to get Filch involved if you, in her words, tried anything else out." Ginny smirked and stood up, gathering her things. "We're not going to finish this essay if we remain in the library. Let's go outside."

Patricia huffed, but nonetheless stowed her belongings in her rucksack and followed Ginny out of the library. She made no effort to conceal her deathly glare toward Krum's fan club. They must have felt her gaze, for they all glanced across and shot her looks of cool loathing. Patricia rolled her eyes and stalked out of the library, every one of her footfalls heavy.

"The library used to be the perfect place to study before Krum arrived," Patricia growled as she and Ginny walked outside. Winter had definitely arrived; snow had fallen overnight, covering the ground in a white blanket, and the lake had frozen over. Everyone who walked outside were covered from head to toe in warm clothing. "Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are both ruining Hogwarts."

Durmstrang had brought Krum, who now disturbed Patricia's favourite place to study. Beauxbatons, on the other hand... Well, if Patricia heard anyone else complain about the school's decorations, she'd get Ginny to teach her the Bat-Bogey Hex and use it on them. Ginny had so far refused to tell Patricia where she'd found the instructions for the hex - and it was probably a good thing, too, or half the school would be suffering as a result.

"Come on, it's not that bad," Ginny teased. "There is the Yule Ball, after all - I know you'd love to attend that, Cia."

Patricia rolled her eyes. "We're not even allowed to go, Ginny. No one from the years above is going to ask me, so there's really nothing to look forward to." She looked over at Ginny and winked. "We'll have a lot more fun than anyone dancing ever could - the common rooms will practically be empty, we could get marshmallows to roast over the fire and smuggle up hot chocolate from the kitchens and... hey, what's that look for?"

For at the mention of spending the night together, Ginny had bit her lip and lowered her eyes ever so slightly.

Patricia placed her hands on her hips. "Gin, what's wrong? C'mon, tell me."

Ginny sighed. "Neville asked me to the ball, and I accepted."

Patricia blinked.


"I wouldn't have been able to go otherwise," Ginny snapped, raking a hand through her red hair. "I guess I regret it now, especially if you're not coming... It's not going to be fun without you, Cia, but I can't turn Neville down now, he'd be really upset..."

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