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Chapter Fifteen;


I know I left without warning, and I'm sorry I couldn't send you a letter as soon as I left Hogwarts. But with that toad checking all of our mail, I couldn't afford to disclose all of this.

My Dad was attacked at the Ministry last night, while working for the Order. It's bad, and we were sent home, with Harry as well. But good news, he's going to pull through! I'll see if I can get you permission to visit sometime during these holidays!

Ginny xxx



Thank Merlin! I had so many awful scenarios in my head – especially since there were rumours from Gryffindor about what had happened. I'm glad that your dad is okay. That's such good news!

Even if I can't make it these holidays, I look forward to seeing you again!

Love, Patricia


Ever since Umbridge arrived at the school, Patricia had been enjoying things at Hogwarts less and less.

The only thing Patricia had really looked forward to was the DA. The lessons were better than Patricia had ever imagined they could be. Harry was an exceptional teacher, and she found herself learning something new with each lesson.

At least, that had been the only thing she enjoyed – until Umbridge discovered their meetings and now they were cancelled. Patricia and Ginny had ranted passionately about it for days afterward. Patricia was particularly put out for she had only just learned to cast a Patronus (which took the form of a fox) before Dobby the house-elf hurried inside and warned them that Umbridge was coming.

Now, her time with Ginny was becoming limited as well. As the Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she was being called for more and more practices by Angelina Johnson. They hadn't even been able to go to Hogsmeade together, because Angelia insisted the team spend that time training.

"You'd better win the damn Quidditch cup, with all this time we're missing out on together," Patricia had grumbled to Ginny when her best friend trudged in, covered in mud.

Ginny smiled tiredly. "I doubt that will happen... Our two Beaters are helpless! But we'll put in the effort. For you."

Patricia felt a thrill go down her spine at the words. Ginny, you need to stop saying things like that, for it makes me forget sometimes that you have a boyfriend and I just want to kiss you.

Now the Quidditch final between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had arrived – and surprisingly, Gryffindor was still in the running to win the Cup. Patricia was decked out in red and gold – most of it, such as the Gryffindor scarf, borrowed from Ginny. Patricia had been dismayed at the minimal amount of red and gold she owned.

Her attire had turned heads at the breakfast table, but Patricia ignored the stares and ate the available pancakes. When the Gryffindor team left the hall she had added her own voice to the cheers that thundered through the hall.

Not long after, everyone in the hall rose and began to make their way to the pitch. Patricia adjusted her scarf and joined the crowd, when she heard a voice call her name.

"Hey! Patricia!"

Patricia turned around and saw a boy run up to her. She recognised him at once – Carlos Blanchard. He was in her year, and was in Hufflepuff. They had a few classes together, and Patricia had been surprised when he had started to approach her more frequently and initiate conversation.

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