twenty one

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Chapter Twenty One;

Patricia could still recall the events of the battle as though it was yesterday.

She remembered the surety that they were going to lose – they had been so outnumbered. She'd fought side by side with Ginny, believing that together they were undefeatable, though a small part of Patricia's brain knew that they couldn't keep fighting forever, that eventually, one of the curses that continued to narrowly miss them would find its mark.

Everything was so blurred, but Patricia thought she remembered some specific events – Snape arriving. Snape descending the Astronomy Tower, Draco Malfoy in tow, yelling something. Harry Potter charging down the Astronomy Tower after them. The Death Eaters leaving. Gasping after the battle, exhausted and battle worn, leaning against Ginny as the damage was assessed. Neville had been injured, and Bill Weasley had been mauled by Fenrir Greyback. Only a Death Eater had been killed.

Patricia remembered holding Ginny in the hospital wing as they watched Bill, knowing that nothing would fix the scars that were permanently slashed across her brother's face. Her girlfriend had been white, but still she lifted her chin, continuing to act brave like a lioness.

However, she allowed Patricia to be the pillar she leaned against, and her arms to offer warmth and comfort in the otherwise cool hospital wing.

And then Harry had trudged into the hospital wing, a look of utter defeat and misery on his face, and he'd broken the news to them all.

Albus Dumbledore was dead

Killed. Murdered. By Severus Snape.

The world had shattered, and the ground beneath Patricia's feet seemed to give way. Everything spun, nothing made sense. It didn't make sense – because how could Albus Dumbledore be dead? And how could his murderer have been someone he'd trusted?

And then Patricia felt open, exposed, and vulnerable, as though everyone around her was a Death Eater – because without Dumbledore, how were they supposed to get through the war? He had been the only one You-Know-Who had ever feared. Now, he would feel like he had free reign – and he was going to get on top of that.

When Patricia and Ginny were sent back to their dormitories after the horrifying revelations, Patricia didn't want to leave Ginny's side. Only with Ginny did she feel safe, because with Ginny she was complete. Only Ginny understood Patricia as well as she understood herself, only Ginny was able to make her feel whole. And while the world was so vulnerable, with Ginny, she was invincible.

But they had to part ways. They'd delayed the moment as long as possible by holding each other in a tight embrace and, with a parting kiss, they headed in the different directions to their common rooms.

The Slytherin common room was deserted, apart from a lone figure sitting by the dying fire. Patricia recognised her instantly. At once she was by Daisy's side, and was alarmed by how pale her friend was.

Daisy turned her head, and Patricia could see just how vulnerable she was.

"Were my parents there?" she asked in a whisper.

Patricia swallowed. She knew why Daisy asked: because her parents were both Death Eaters – which was why when Patricia first met her, Daisy had been snide about blood status and houses. She'd been indoctrinated from her birth, and only at Hogwarts, when she had some freedom from her parents, did she come to start making her own decisions.

When Patricia confirmed they hadn't, Daisy deflated and sank into a chair shakily. She gripped the arm in a tight grip and blew out heavily.

Patricia was struck with terror for her friend. All fear for the future after Dumbledore's death was suddenly irreverent – all that was was that Daisy was so affected by new of her parents, that she was scared, scared of learning if they had been nearby.

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