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Chapter Nine;

"What subjects do you want to do next year?"

"I don't know. How's Ron been after the Black attack?"

Patricia and Ginny sat beside each other in the library, heads close and talking in whispers. In front of them lay the list of elective subjects they could take up for the next year. Personally, Patricia thought that task was more difficult than homework.

Ginny shot Patricia a look that reminded Patricia of Hermione Granger when she was exasperated with Harry and Ron - or anyone, for that matter. "You know very well how he's taking it," she said. "He loves it more than Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup. Don't change the subject, Patricia."

The stab of annoyance Patricia had felt after Ginny's reminder of Slytherin being beat in the Quidditch Cup dissolved into disappointment. Ever since that time Ginny had called her 'Cia,' Patricia had been hoping to hear the nickname again. Even though she knew she'd only been called that due to Ginny's tiredness, she couldn't stop the sliver of hope that the nickname would pass Ginny's lips again.

Patricia buried her face in her arms - partly to hide to hide her face, and partly because she was genuinely frustrated. "I really have no clue what I want to take, Ginny," she moaned. "What if I take Ancient Runes and find out I needed... I don't know, Arithmancy, for the job I want?"

"Then do both."

Patricia rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely doing the subjects my parents want me to take," she said sarcastically.

She'd received a letter that morning from her parents clearly outlining the subjects they wanted their daughter to take and why. Patricia had crumpled it up and tossed it into the fire without second thought.

Ginny shrugged and tapped each subject with her wand, muttering their names under her breath. "I think I'm leaning toward Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies," she mused. "Hagrid teaches Care of Magical Creatures, and if I do Muggle Studies I might be able to understand Dad for once." She frowned. "Yes, I think those two," she murmured, and ticked the boxes.

Patricia raised her eyebrows. "That didn't take you long."

"It's not that hard, just decide which subjects you like the look of."

Patricia rolled her eyes again - no one could roll eyes or had quite the perfect eyebrow game as her, as Ginny had claimed just the other day.

"It's not that simple," she grumbled.

Ginny spread her arms. Patricia sent her a pointed look that read wow, that's helpful, before she glanced down at the selections again.

There were five subjects to choose from, but even that felt like too many. Each subject had their own positives and negatives - though Patricia refused to take Divination. She hadn't heard good things about it - due to the fact she was always with Ginny, she'd run into her brothers often, including Ron. He, Harry, and Hermione often complained about Divination, and Hermione had even dropped the subject. From what they'd said, Patricia didn't think she'd be able to make it through one lesson without snapping.

After another few minutes of deliberation the brunette sighed. "I think I'll take Ancient Runes, it does sound interesting... But I won't take Arithmancy. I'll take Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies instead."

Ginny's eyes widened. "Muggle Studies? Why?"

"So I can sneer and make constant comments about Wizard superiority," Patricia said, rolling her eyes. "No, because I'm genuinely interested, and it'll mean we have another class together. Two, actually."

Ginny turned pink. "Oh Patricia, I shouldn't -"

"Don't worry, I knew you didn't mean it like that," Patricia interrupted, waving the apology aside.

"But I should, you're my best friend and I know you, yet I implied -"

"I never expressed prior interest in Muggles, Ginny, don't -"

They broke out into a furious whispered argument. Even though they were closer than ever, one thing that hadn't changed was that they still broke out into argument from time to time - and these arguments were even more playful and ridiculous than their previous ones.

But Patricia couldn't imagine it any other way. It was just them. And secretly, she liked Ginny when she was arguing; the redhead became so driven and there was passion and determination in her eyes, which did made her look striking. Her eyes became dangerous at these points in time.

"Hello Ginny, Patricia. What are you arguing about?"

It was Luna. Patricia hid a smile at her friend's usual adorning of radish earrings. It was a wonder Madam Pince hadn't thrown her out yet for 'food in the library' - the librarian overreacted over the smallest of things.

"Hello, Luna," Ginny said cheerily. "What are you doing here?"

"Replying to a letter from Daddy," Luna said serenely. "He said he'd discovered more evidence that the Crumple-Horn Snorkack exists!"

Patricia caught Ginny's eye, and they both smothered snorts of laughter behind their hands.

"Sure thing, Luna," Patricia said, grinning.

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