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Epilogue; Eight Years Later

Ginny was muddy, her face red and her hair windswept, but she had never looked more radiant in Patricia's eyes. Everything about her was dazzling – her eyes, her smile, her laughter as she was surrounded by her teammates who all pounded her on the back and smothered her in hugs. The Quidditch Cup was passed around from member to member of the Holyhead Harpies, all of them screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs, all notions of dignity forgotten. No one gave it a second thought – they were victorious, queens reigning over the league. They had beaten everyone and they were not going to let anyone forget any time soon.

When Ginny spotted Patricia from the mob of her team, her eyes widened. "Sorry, everyone," she said, pushing herself free of the team.

They ran at each other, Patricia grinning from ear to ear as she pulled the love of her life into a bone-crushing hug. "You did it!" she screamed in Ginny's ears. "Congratulations, love!"

Ginny laughed. It was a noise made from pure joy and adrenaline. "I heard you from the pitch!" she exclaimed.

"No!" Patricia made herself look stern for a minute. "No talking about me! Today, it's all about you, you absolute star!"

Ginny flushed bright red and hit Patricia's arm. "Oh, shut up," she groaned. "You aren't doing a very good job congratulating me, by the way."

Patricia blinked. "Excuse me? I raced down here the minute the match finished."

"You miss my meaning."

Patricia rolled her eyes but nonetheless responded as Ginny kissed her, closing her eyes and savouring the moment.

"Come on, let's get home," Patricia murmured into Ginny's ear. "I'll make you tea and we can finish that chocolate cake."

Ginny only grinned in response.


"Tea for the player of the match," Patricia sang, handing Ginny her favourite cup of steaming chai tea.

Ginny beamed, setting aside her plate of devoured chocolate cake. "Thanks, Cia."

Patricia smiled as she sat down on the couch in the living room she and Ginny called home. She liked what they had done with the small cottage they'd bought just ten minutes from the Burrow. The old brickwork was cosy, the furniture vintage and only in warm colours. Cushions and various knickknacks were crammed on to every surface, spare blankets draped over the sides of couches. Wherever you looked, there was something else. It was chaos, but it was homely, warm and lived in – and Patricia wouldn't have it any other way.

In the wake of the war, she and Ginny had completed their final year before Patricia enrolled to be a trainee at St Mungo's and Ginny was at once accepted to the Holyhead Harpies. Ever since the war and knowing just how horrible it was, Patricia had been determined to do whatever she could to heal such wounds. Utilising her abilities for potions, after several years of study she was now a full-fledged Healer and experimented in potion-making, creating new antidotes for previously incurable diseases and improving previous medicines.

Patricia loved her work, loved the sensation of healing, making things better. It was something she had strived to achieve ever since her final year at Hogwarts, where she, Ginny, and Hermione had been fierce advocates for equality in the wizarding world. They had started something, Patricia knew, and that was only spreading at Hogwarts and in Hermione's position in the Ministry of Magic.

Ginny had excelled in Quidditch, soon becoming one of the key players. She flourished in her role as Chaser, scoring goal after goal, bringing the team home more often than not. Patricia had attended every game, cheering fiercely at the sides, her heart swelling with pride as she watched her girlfriend outfly the competition and take the Quidditch world by storm.

When they weren't at work, they were at home. They'd read, cook in the kitchen, or experiment with the new technology beginning to emerge in the Muggle world. More often than not they'd call Hermione or Harry over, and they'd work through the new territory together.

But Patricia's favourite time was when she just sat next to Ginny, drinking in each other's company, where they'd kiss slowly and deeply by the fireplace.

By Merlin, she loved Ginny Weasley with all her heart – and that love only increased as time went by.

"I was thinking," Ginny said presently, "Of quitting professional Quidditch soon."

Patricia spat out her tea.

"You what?"

Quidditch was Ginny's life – it was what she loved, what she lived and breathed. Patricia had never met a Quidditch player as skilled and passionate as Ginny Weasley, and other teams had noticed it as well. Ginny refused all offers made her way, and stuck with the Holyhead Harpies for the entirety of her career. She and the team had soared to new heights once she joined. Patricia couldn't fathom why Ginny would want to quit when she still was so able to play.

Ginny laughed. "I'm not going to quit Quidditch entirely – I would move to be a Quidditch reporter. I was thinking that, I'd like to adopt." Her eyes softened, and she set down her cup of tea.

"Start a family with you," Ginny breathed, shifting closer to Patricia. "And it wouldn't be fair if it was only you who was left to look after our child, am I right?"

Patricia blinked, trying to get a hold of herself.

"You want to adopt? With me?" was what she managed several seconds later.

Ginny rolled her eyes fondly. "Who else, silly?" She grabbed Patricia's hand. "We've proven that we can make this work. Let's adopt five girls and teach them to be as strong as their mothers."

Patricia could picture it, right then: herself and Ginny, teaching their girls how to cast the Bat-Bogey Hex, watching them come home with stories of their adventures in the school corridors and the games they played mid air – and suddenly she was in love and knew exactly that was what she wanted for her future: a family, with Ginny Weasley, full of love and laughter and hugs all around.

"I'd love that," she whispered. "Ginny Weasley, I love that idea almost as much as I love you."

Ginny grinned and within seconds they were kissing in a tangle of arms and legs, Patricia's heart beating wildly and the smile never once leaving her face.

The future was still uncertain, though Patricia knew that there would be one constant throughout it all – Ginny Weasley, and the love they had for each other. Nothing could end that.

Whatever was ahead, Patricia was ready to face it head-on. As long as she had Ginny by her side, she was indestructible. They were indestructible.

And Patricia couldn't be happier.


and that's the end, friends!

can i just say, thank you for all the support, i never imagined this story would take off as it did! thank you all so much, for every read and comment and vote - it means the world to me, really. you're all amazing and i love every single one of you!!

there will be no sequel - i think things are left rather nicely here!

thank you, everyone, for loving ginny and patricia as much as i do. they've been my favourite couple to write! 

thank you for making this be such an enjoyable experience for me <333

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