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Chapter Fourteen;

Hogsmeade visits were always something to look forward to. As much as Patricia loved Hogwarts and roaming the castle corridors, it was nice every once and a while to visit the nearby village for a change in scenery.

Patricia had always enjoyed Hogsmeade. Often it was just herself and Ginny; sometimes they'd be accompanied by Luna and Colin, but not often. She and Ginny would spend most of their money at Zonko's and Honeydukes, laughing and talking excitedly about their purchases as they finished the day with a mug of Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.

Somehow, though, Patricia felt like she wasn't going to enjoy this trip as much, since Ginny was going with Michael.

Even though she and Ginny still spent a lot of time together, sometimes they'd be joined by Michael. Whenever he did Patricia felt a fierce surge of jealousy and a pang of loneliness. She wasn't mad at Michael. She knew that he loved Ginny – if he didn't, she'd have found a way to break them up by now, because Ginny deserved only the best treatment from anyone. Anything less, and they did not deserve Ginny Weasley. But Patricia couldn't help but feel during those times she was pushed to the outside, no matter how Ginny might try and draw her into the conversation.

Whenever this happened, Patricia's heart squeezed, and it was almost unbearable to be near. Every day she realised that her feelings for Ginny were growing, and couldn't believe she hadn't realised it sooner. In an attempt to distract herself from the pain Patricia had tried to catch the eye of other girls – but none of them were Ginny. She had moments of fleeting attraction, when she admired a girl or felt her heart momentarily stop, but nothing built up beyond that.

She loved Ginny – and that love wasn't dying any time soon.

At least for the first part of the trip, it wouldn't just be the three of them. Umbridge had proven that she was an incompetent teacher. Patricia felt that she had only learned three things since her first lesson that year – one, Umbridge was a teacher she hated more than Snape; two, if she never saw pink again it would be too soon (Patricia had no idea one person could put you off a certain colour until Umbridge); and three, she had learned absolutely nothing about Defence Against the Dark Arts. Maybe Defence Against Active and Actual Learning, but nothing about practical defence.

Apparently she wasn't the only one upset about this, which was why Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley had arranged to hold a meeting, where Harry would teach them Defence. Patricia had agreed to sign up before Hermione finished explaining the idea. Anything to learn actual Defence, which would allow her to pass her OWLs the next year.

That was how Patricia ended up in the Hogs Head with numerous others interested in the group. She sat next to Ginny and listened intently as Hermione and Harry explained the idea, and was kept in awe as Harry described what it was like to fight You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters. That speech more than anything affirmed her desire to be taught by Harry. He knew what it was like to be out there, in the real world, against their enemies. And there was no one else that Patricia would rather learn from.

She'd signed her name without hesitation, and with that she left the Hogs Head with Ginny and Michael, a spring in her step. They were rebelling against Umbridge, and the Ministry, and taking matters into their own hands. That was enough to make Patricia smile.

However, that smile started to fade when they walked straight past Zonko's without a second glance. Patricia bit her lip. She had been hoping to stop by – she had plans for a prank to play on Umbridge, but it didn't look like they'd be making a stop. Heart sinking, she followed the other two to the Three Broomsticks.

It was lively inside just like always, a mixture of Hogwarts students and others. Michael left to buy drinks while Ginny and Patricia grabbed a table.

Determined not to be the one to dampen the mood, Patricia thought back to the Hogs Head, minutes ago, when she had been full of excitement and anticipation.

"I hope Harry finds a place to start practicing soon," she hummed, as Michael returned with the drinks. "I can't wait for these lessons to get underway."

"It'll be fun," Ginny said brightly. "And certainly more informative than anything that toad could teach us. Or make us read."

"She's a right old bat," Michael said. "She doesn't know what she's talking about. If Harry hadn't started this, I'm sure I'd be in trouble when it came to my OWLs."

"So would we, when it comes to our OWL year," Patricia retorted, without thinking. The defence came automatically, like a basic instinct. Patricia glowered and grabbed her Butterbeer and drained half of it to avoid the stares of the others.

When she put her drink down, she noticed that Ginny had shifted closer to her. Patricia shivered – it was the same shiver she felt whenever there was minimal distance between herself and Ginny.

Ginny placed a hand on Patricia's arm; Patricia swore she felt electric currents at her touch. "You okay, Cia?" she asked. "You don't sound like yourself."

Patricia snorted and waved the comment off. "I'm fine. I just don't think the Butterbeer I had in the Hogs Head agreed with me – I'm sure there was more filth in those cups than there was Butterbeer." She pulled a face. She wasn't lying; she had felt queasy as she drank from that glass, if only to be polite.

Patricia pushed her chair back and stood. "I'm going to head back and see Madam Pomfrey." She didn't think she could stand to be the third wheel for much longer.

At once, Ginny was on her feet too. "I'll come with you."

Patricia shook her head. "Please, don't. I don't want your time together to be ruined on my account."

I need a break. Air. Space. Time to clear my head and stop torturing myself like this.

Ginny pursed her lips. "Are you sure?"

"I just need a potion." Patricia grinned. "I'll be back on my feet in a jiffy."

"If you say so." Ginny hesitated, then pulled Patricia into a warm hug. "Take care, Cia."

Patricia held Ginny close to her, keeping her within her own arms for as long as was acceptable. Then, with greatest regret, she let go of her best friend, the girl she was in love with, and made her way out of The Three Broomsticks. She glanced back before she exited and immediately wished she hadn't: Michael had covered one of Ginny's hands with his own, and their heads were bent close together. Patricia sucked in a breath and escaped before she witnessed much else.

She didn't, however, go straight back to Hogwarts. Her first stop was Honeydukes. After locating the biggest slab on Hondeydukes chocolate in the shop, Patricia wandered back to the castle. She cursed how alone she felt. She'd never made this journey without Ginny.

Patricia had a sudden vision that Ginny was by her side – their hands were clasped, and Ginny's brown eyes sparkled with joy as she laughed at a joke Patricia said. Whenever their eyes met, it was obvious how much they both loved each other.

Patricia shook her head frantically as though she could shake off the image. Merlin, am I a lost cause, head over heels in love. She groaned and slapped herself on the side of the head; her pace increased, since she was eager to leave the path behind her as soon as she could.

When Patricia lay down on her bed in the Slytherin dormitory, she opened her chocolate and ate it slowly, piece by piece, savouring every last bite. She closed her eyes and let the sugary goodness be her consolation, and the substance she needed to soothe her aching oken heart.

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