twenty four

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Chapter Twenty-Four;

If it wasn't for her fierce desire to protect the younger students and prove to the Carrows that she was not afraid, Patricia thought she would have left Hogwarts by now.

Only secluded moments with her friends or the DA brought her any joy anymore. The Carrows seemed to revel in wringing the happiness out of the castle and plunging the students deeper into a state of misery. Hogsmeade visits were cancelled, clubs of more than three banned without permission, and Quidditch was banned. All mail was examined with a fine-tooth comb before it was allowed to pass on to its receiver. No doubt the Carrows thought that, should they make the students despair enough, that they'd stop supporting the DA.

If anything, their actions made them even more bold, and determined to prove their spirit just would not be crushed. From attempting to steal the sword of Gryffindor, large-scale pranks and upsets in the corridors. The Carrows were furious, and it was amusing to watch them demand

Of course, there'd been terrible odds against them. After Christmas, both Luna and Daisy were gone. Luna had been taken off the train back to London. To this day, Patricia remained furious with herself that she hadn't been able to do more to stop Luna being taken. She'd had a wand pointed directly at her chest and had been warned if she as much as opened her mouth, she'd have a Stunner shot her way before she could blink. She almost wished that she had - that way she knew she had tried something instead of remaining helplessly on the sidelines, like a spectator.

For her safety, Daisy had been relocated during the holidays. She now resided with Bill and Fleur at Shell Cottage, protected by a Fidelius Charm. The Carrows had been particularly violent toward her, subjecting her to the horrors of the Cruciatus curse, and no one wanted to send her back. She was safer than any of them now.

That left just Patricia, Neville, and Ginny at the head of the DA. Though they still had their daring, they were more cautious than ever. The Carrows had turned punishment up ever since the holidays. It had hit Patricia hard to see Seamus Finnigan walk in one day with a swollen lip. After that, deliberate physical injuries were becoming too common.

Patricia wanted to raise morale, but she didn't want her friends to suffer for it. She took the burden upon her shoulders to painstakingly plan out their every move. She was aware how much everyone trusted her and relied on her, and she was determined not to let them down.

So far, it had been a success. No one had yet been caught – yet, cold dread filled the entirety of Patricia's stomach at the increasing chance that she had to slip. It left her feeling like she was constantly about to be sick.

Ginny, however, always made her feel calm and in control. Ginny stood in front of every DA meeting with her head lifted and fiery passion puncturing her every word. She inspired, she motivated. If Neville organised the meetings and Patricia planned every incursion, Ginny was the passion that drove people to act. She made it impossible to turn away.

At least, Patricia could only speak for herself. Because she could never turn away from Ginny.

When she wasn't with the DA, Patricia spent almost every hour with Ginny. Just being with her girlfriend was enough to calm her down and set her head straight.

Ginny was so strong – it was impossible to imagine her broken until it happened.

Patricia hated having a different Dark Arts class to Ginny. She had her Slytherin friends and people in Hufflepuff she knew through the DA, but it was nothing like having her girlfriend by her side. Patricia waited for Ginny after her Ancient Runes class, twisting her quill constantly over in her hand.

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