twenty seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven;

The new day was dawning, sunlight streaming through the cracked window and into the Great Hall. The House tables had been restored to their places, though no one was sitting according to House anymore; all were jumbled together, teachers and pupils, ghosts and parents, centaurs and house-elves.

Patricia's spirits lifted slightly at the sight, though she was too tired and drained from the battle to be in any real mood to celebrate. The weight of the dead and wounded rested heavy on her shoulders. She didn't exactly feel joy – it was more relief, that this entire ordeal was over. That the threat of Voldemort was gone forever, killed by Harry Potter, who somehow, miraculously, was not dead.

She was sure that, in time, she would come to celebrate this victory. But no triumph came without the cost – and this time, they paid for it in the blood of family and friends and loved ones. Patricia's heart broke whenever she saw the faces of the dead and thought about what they had sacrificed to get them to this moment.

Her grief, however, was nothing compared to that of Daisy and Ginny. Ginny had lost her brother. Daisy had killed her father.

Patricia found Daisy shortly after the battle ended and wrapped her arms tightly around the girl.

"You are the bravest person I know," she breathed, squeezing her friend tightly. "I could never do what you had to do today."

Daisy smiled. Patricia could tell at once that it was false. No matter what brave act Daisy put up or how she would say that she didn't care about her parents, Patricia knew that Daisy would still feel the grief, the guilt. That was the type of event that one didn't recover from overnight.

The road ahead for Daisy was rough – and Patricia was going to be there for her every step of the way.

"I couldn't let him hurt you," Daisy murmured. "I just couldn't. But even when we were duelling... I couldn't bring myself to hurt them, even though I knew they were Death Eaters, that they were in the wrong."

"Hey, that's not your fault," Patricia reassured. "No one else was in that position tonight – but if they were, I bet they would have gone through those same thoughts as you. You are incredible, Daisy, not many people would have had the courage to go through what you did tonight."

Daisy smiled weakly. "I'm sorry – I just want to go and lie down for a moment," she mumbled, faking a yawn.

Patricia didn't press her. Instead, she pulled Daisy into one last hug before she watched her friend slip off toward the Slytherin dorms. She knew Daisy needed time to get into her right state of mind before Patricia could do anything to help. Sleeping and having some time to herself was the first stop.

I won't let her go through this alone. I will be by her side throughout her entire recovery.

Reassured by this thought, Patricia made her way through the meandering crowd to find the one person she wanted to see over everyone else. People called out to her as she passed and waved. Patricia smiled and waved back, calling out brief exchanges of greeting.

She hoped that this was the first to overcoming the House rivalry. She hoped that the war would put an end to ridiculous prejudice. For crying out loud, Daisy had been forced to face her own parents, and she fought them. Patricia hoped that the rift between Slytherin and the other Houses would soon begin to heal.

It would be another slow process, but Patricia was determined to do her part for it when she returned to the school for their next year.

All revolutionary thoughts became irrelevant, however, when Patricia spotted Ginny's redheaded figure standing just ahead of her.

Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating Ginny like the war goddess Patricia knew her to be. She was dirty and hadn't come out of the battle unscathed, numerous injuries across her skin. But that made her look tougher, more powerful, especially as Ginny held herself tall and proud, the sunlight touching her red hair and making it look like it was really on fire.

Don't mess with me, Ginny seemed to be saying. I will make you regret it if you do – you do not stand a chance. I am a survivor, and I will not break no matter what you throw my way.

She was beautiful, stunning, and Patricia was momentarily robbed of breath. They stared at each other for a second, not moving, before Patricia somehow found function in her legs again and they closed the gap between them.

Patricia threw herself into Ginny's arm, allowing herself to sag against her girlfriend. Ginny held Patricia back and tightened the pressure around her waist.

"We're alive," Patricia breathed, voice shaky. "We – we made it."

"That's all that matters at the moment, isn't it?" Ginny laughed shakily. "Come on – let's get away from all of the stares."

A few people were, in fact, craning their necks to glimpse the two. Patricia rolled her eyes at their actions and was too happy to follow Ginny out of the Great Hall toward Gryffindor Tower. After everything, she didn't want people prying on her. Even just a few minutes alone with Ginny sounded like utter bliss.

The Fat Lady didn't even ask for a password, but swung open when she saw the two tired, battle-worn teens trudge her way. The two mumbled their thanks as they clambered into the deserted common room.

Broken glass scattered across the floor from where stray spells had hit. Ginny grabbed her wand. "Reparo," she muttered, and all stray pieces flew through the air back to their original place.

The room back in order, the two collapsed on the couch. Patricia shifted in her seat so she sat facing Ginny, basking in her beauty. Ginny smiled, though nothing could cover the terrible sadness in her eyes.

Oh, Ginny. Patricia had no idea what to say to make the pain of losing Fred bearable.

Before she could think of anything to say, Ginny shifted forward and pressed her lips firmly to Patricia's. Patricia gasped and responded in earnest, their kisses fast and furious as though the end of the world was still to come, and they just couldn't get enough of each other as they left the memories of the past hours behind them and instead lost themselves in each other.

When they parted, Patricia's hair was a mess, her cheeks bright red. Ginny didn't look much better – though her cheeks were flushed and glowing once more.

"I'm sorry," Patricia breathed, cupping Ginny's cheek. "About everything. I know I cannot even begin what you're going through – but I'm going to be right beside throughout all of this, Gin. Don't think for one second that I'm going to leave your side."

Ginny smiled, and the whole world may as well have been lit up with her beauty. "I know, Cia. And I'm grateful."

"You were amazing today. You're the reason I'm alive."

"Rubbish," Ginny scoffed, though there was an endearing gleam in her eye. "Patricia Bolton doesn't need no man nor woman to keep her alive. She's too stubborn, too fierce to die."

Patricia laughed. "I'm touched."

"It's the truth." Ginny tucked Patricia's hair behind her ear. "There's no one like you, Cia."

The sun was rising, a new age dawning. And Patricia knew that, in time, the wizarding world would settle, and a new peace would settle among them.

And throughout it, Ginny would be by her side.


so............ this is the last chapter, everyone! there's only the epilogue to go now...!!!

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