twenty three

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Chapter Twenty-Three;

Enough was enough.

Patricia hadn't even made it through a day at Hogwarts before she was ready to throw something out of the window. Or at Alecto Carrow's face. That would have been immensely satisfying.

Every word spoken by Alecto and Amycus Carrow made Patricia's blood boil. Her hands would curl into fists and boy, she wished that she could kill with looks: the problem of the Carrows would have been solved the moment she stepped foot into Hogwarts. Only the gentle pressure of Ginny's hand stopped her from snapping – and even then Ginny herself wasn't exactly the definition of calm. Her fury blazed as bright as her hair and once again, Patricia thought Ginny was a war goddess come to earth in mortal form.

The first DA meeting was organised for Wednesday night, in the Room of Requirement. It was like a rowdy family reunion as everyone crowded inside. Patricia stood at the front with Ginny, Luna, Neville, and Daisy. Daisy had attracted a few surprised looks, but no one questioned her place.

It was instantaneous: they were standing up to the Carrows. There was only disagreement on how: everyone had different ideas, and everyone wanted to be heard. It took several minutes to calm everyone down to begin discussions.

Weeks later, and they had settled into their routine. Now, it wasn't unusual for anyone from the DA to approach Patricia in the halls and ask, "So, Patricia, what's the plan?"

Because that was Patricia's role. All her friends understood how cunning she was (which was how she had gotten away with so many pranks), and now they were utilising her devious and creative mind to their advantage as they operated the actions of the DA.

Patricia would then launch into her idea of attack, and everyone would agree to it at once. They tiptoed through the night, slipping through the corridors like ghosts, wreaking havoc in every possible way. Messages were written on walls. Devil's Snare grew in the Carrow's classrooms. Mice infested the interior of drawers. 

The screams of the Carrows was fuel for Patricia's fiery spirit; it was what kept her going when the Carrows interrogated everyone, determined to discover who was at the root of all their problems. The satisfaction of knowing they were under the Carrow's skin was enough to keep Patricia pushing through each day.

It got to the point where Patricia didn't care about grades and tests and lessons anymore. All she cared about was her next attack, and to look after the younger students who were too intimidated to oppose the Carrows. They couldn't expect eleven-year-olds to join them.

"This wouldn't be possible without you," Ginny said one evening, as they hauled up in the Gryffindor common room.

Patricia had started to find sanctuary in the common room more often as the term went by. She didn't dislike the Slytherin common room – it was cosy, in its own way, and she was acquainted with several people there. Some had even decided to join the DA, emboldened by herself and Daisy's daring to stand up to the Carrows. By Gryffindor tower always seemed warmer, whether because it was not under the lake or the fact that nearly every face was a member of the DA or a combination of the two.

Also, Patricia felt more at home with the Gryffindors than Ginny did with the Slytherins. It was a compromise they were both happy with.

It was now late at night. The two had settled on a couch in front of the fire. Patricia had her head rested in Ginny's lap. Occasionally, Ginny's fingers stroked through Patricia's hair.

"Don't be ridiculous," Patricia scoffed. "If I wasn't here you, Neville, and Luna would be more than capable of running this on your own. You've got fire and determination, and that's really all that matters."

Ginny rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "You're right. We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if we didn't do something."

Patricia raised her head, her lips quirking up into a smirk. "Let's do something. Now."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"I don't know." Patricia swung her legs around and pulled herself into a sitting position. What could they do at eleven, at night, with no previous planning?

"Let's write another message on the wall," she decided, eyes alight. "Dumbledore's Army: Still Recruiting. It'll be fun."

Ginny grinned. "That it will be. Shall we use fluros?"

"You read my mind."

The thought of the expressions on the Carrow's faces when looking at fluorescent pink and yellow writing was enough to make Patricia choke on laughter.

The two girls grabbed each other's hands and clambered out of the Gryffindor common room, spirits running high as though they were on caffeine. They knew that a single misstep or glimpse of their hair from someone patrolling the corridors would result in punishment, but they didn't care. They were too caught up in the thrill of bending the rules, of rebelling, of doing this together that they didn't care about anything else.

After a whispered debate, they ended up on the Transfiguration corridor. Patricia knew Professor McGonagall would not mind having such a message left on her walls – she would probably even welcome it, and be proud to display it in front of the Carrows.

Giggling lowly, she and Ginny whipped out their wands and with several spells, traced hot-pink and fluorescent yellow words in all-caps, bubble font on to the walls.


It was impossible to miss.

Patricia was just adding the finishing touches to the outline when Ginny gasped lowly and grasped Patricia's wrist. One glance to the end of the corridor revealed why: a shadow was approaching, and growing ever larger.

"Cia, in here!" Ginny hissed, and hauled her girlfriend into a nearby broom closet.

Patricia's heart hammered in her chest and Ginny shut the door behind them. They stood as stiff as boards, not daring to breathe. Cold sweat broke out across Patricia's body. She wondered if her furiously beating heart would give away their position – it pulsed in her ears.

"This is uncomfortable," Ginny breathed.

"Shh!" Patricia placed a hand over Ginny's mouth as the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

The two froze in the darkness, waiting with bated breath as the sound grew gradually louder and then all together stopped. She tensed, ready for the screeches and explosions of fury. Patricia thought she heard a snort before the person departed.

She let out the breath she'd been holding. It must have been a teacher like McGonagall or Flitwick who had strolled past. The Carrows would have whipped up a frenzy. Patricia realised there was a very real possibility that in their fury, they'd have ripped open all nearby doors to closets and any other hiding places to find the culprits – and they'd have been discovered.

"They're gone," Ginny said lowly, once the footsteps disappeared.

Patricia snorted. Tension rolled off her body in waves.

"Do you realise how cliché this entire situation is?" she pointed out eventually, noticing for the first time just how close their bodies were to each other. And they were in a broom closet.

Ginny chuckled. "I do. And there's something I want to do."

Patricia smiled as Ginny pressed her lips firmly against her own. With a moan Patricia closed her eyes and lost herself in the kiss as they became fiercer, more passionate – in the tiny space Ginny managed to press Patricia against the wall.

"We should go, or next time it actually will be the Carrows who find this sign," Patricia breathed between kisses.

Ginny pouted, but they agreed. Holding hands, they slipped out of the cupboard and dashed up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room once again, fighting off bursts of laughter the entire way.

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