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Chapter Four;

The Great Hall was an unusual location of great euphoria; especially over the past few weeks, the air had been rather subdued in the wake of several attacks and restrictions being placed over the castle. But now the monster had been killed, the Petrified restored and Hogwarts confirmed to remain open. spirits were running high and a feast started to celebrate.

Patricia dug in to several roast potatoes, chewing greedily. Her love for food was unrivalled by anyone - except maybe Crabbe and Goyle in the year above, who were currently stuffing themselves senseless despite having been eating in the common room not half an hour ago. Where they found the room, Patricia just didn't know.

"Chamber of Secrets opened, and a professor's memory wiped," Daisy, Patricia's only real friend, mused, grabbing a handful of chips. "It's been a bit of an eventful year."

"Agreed," Patricia mumbled through a mouthful of food. Little bits of potato sprayed from her mouth.

Daisy wrinkled her nose in disgust and edged herself a little further away. She sat deep in thought for a moment, blankly staring at her food.

"How'd they manage to give the mandrake extraction to Nearly Headless Nick?"

Patricia shrugged, though the question somewhat interested her. "I don't know, and can't be bothered thinking about it."

She was currently too in love with food to really care about much else.

Except one thing: directly opposite Patricia and sorted at the Gryffindors table was Ginny Weasley, smiling and laughing with her brothers. Patricia hadn't seen Ginny smile for weeks; the last two months especially Ginny had been quiet and withdrawn and even when Patricia tried to provoke her or ask what was wrong, she hadn't gotten much of a response.

But now Ginny was having her hair ruffled by one of those troublesome twins and she was giggling. It was a complete three-sixty to how she'd been just days ago, and Patricia wondered what had happened. She doubted she'd ever find out, though.

Well, at least Defence Against the Dark Arts would be mildly entertaining once again, with Ginny to constantly bicker with.

But then Patricia remembered all of those classes had been cancelled and couldn't help but feel a flicker of disappointment. She'd been missing their heated debates.

Wait, since when had she started to enjoy their arguments?

Patricia sat back deep in thought, trying to recall when exactly she'd stopped finding her arguments with Ginny Weasley annoying. She was only brought back to reality by Daisy shaking her perhaps a little too rough.

"What are you staring off into space for?" Daisy demanded.

"Nothing," Patricia stammered, all to quickly.

Daisy definitely would turn her nose up at Ginny Weasley being the object of Patricia's thoughts.

"You sure?"



Daisy frowned, obviously unconvinced, but she shrugged and returned to her dinner.

"Shame exams are cancelled, you would've been top of the year easy."

Patricia froze. She licked her lips, and for a brief second, her appetite faded.

"Probably," she echoed quietly, before Daisy could notice her stumble. She hastily shoved a mouthful of food into her mouth so she had an excuse not to continue talking.

She appeared indifferent to the news. But the Slytherin girl was actually very relieved, along with the majority of other students, that exams were cancelled. Very relieved, though for very different reasons to most.

She just chose not to let on, lest people should suspect.


This is kind of a filler chapter to round off year one nicely and introduce a few other things so yeah this chapter happened and it's bad but the next one will be better!

Things start picking up in second year the beginning of lots of Patricia x Ginny action!!!

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