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Chapter Twenty;

O.W.L exams drew ever nearer but for once, Patricia wasn't overwhelmed.

Everything had changed since she and Ginny kissed. Patricia still became stressed over the upcoming exams, but it wasn't overwhelming like it had been before. Now that she and Ginny were girlfriends, Patricia found comfort in knowing that no matter what, Ginny was there for her.

Sometimes, if Patricia went too out of control, Ginny would bring her back to her senses with another long, passionate kiss.

"I readonce that holding your breath can calm the body down," Ginny had explained, the third time he used the tactic. She winked. "Kissing makes you hold your breath, does it not?"

"It's a good method," Patricia agreed, grinning. She'd take any excuse to kiss Ginny.

She wasn't afraid to go public with her relationship with Ginny, and neither was the redhead. They held hands in the corridors without fear of what anyone else might say. It was surprising, the number of people who were supportive of them. Anyone who had a problem, Patricia gave them a smirk and several well-chosen, smart retorts that had them leaving with their tails between their legs.

She wished she could do more enjoyable activities with Ginny, such as playing Quidditch together and drinking steaming cups of hot chocolate outside, but those opportunities were limited by the fact that they had to study. However they spent every minute side by side; Patricia would lie with her head in Ginny's lap as her girlfriend tested her on Charms.

Girlfriend. Patricia always felt a thrill when she applied that word to Ginny.

For so long, she'd thought that it would be impossible, that Ginny would love her the same way. Now it was happening, Patricia felt like she was constantly on cloud nine. There was a reason every day to celebrate and smile, merely because Ginny would greet her with a kiss instead of a hug. Being together was as easy and natural as breathing.

Their time together was mostly at night, when they'd visit one another in their common rooms. They'd sit by the dying fire and talk, their hands intertwined, their heads resting together. Just being with Ginny, sitting near her, feeling her lips on her own was enough to make Patricia want to explode with happiness.

Every day, she only seemed to fall more and more in love with her girlfriend.

One night, she and Ginny had been making their way to the Gryffindor common room when – out of the blue – a sudden heat burned against Patricia's leg.

Patricia's hand shot into her pocket, where she always kept her DA Galleon. She just had never been able to bring herself to get rid of it – the idea hadn't even crossed her mind. Somehow, from the moment Hermione had given it to her, Patricia knew that she'd keep it always.

The gold coin was hot beneath her fingers. Patricia whipped it out of her pocket and looked across at Ginny. "Is it just my coin, or is yours -?"

There was no need to answer the question. Ginny already had her coin out, and was checking the message now embedded on it.

"It's not just you," Ginny confirmed quietly. "They need us."

Patricia didn't ask what they were needed for – there was no need to ask the question. If the DA needed her, then she would be there in a flash. She was a member of Dumbledore's Army until the very end, no questions asked. They were a team, a family – they'd defied Umbridge together, and rebelled.

Patricia let Ginny lead her through the many corridors of Hogwarts toward wherever it was they were needed. It was then they found that Hermione and Ron were waiting for them in the Entrance Hall.

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