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Chapter Ten;

Are your parents going to take you to the World Cup? Dad's going to try and get tickets. I can ask him to look for tickets for you too! Reply quickly!


It's my parents we're talking about. Of course they're not taking me. But, I'd love to go! Don't do it if it's too much trouble, though.


DAD GOT TICKETS! And of course it's no problem, everyone here loves you!
Ginny xx


I'm so excited! Thank you for everything, Ginny!
Patricia xx


"I told you Ireland was going to win!" Ginny crowed, hitting Patricia over the head with her pillow.

Patricia rolled her eyes and slapped the pillow away. "Stop going on about it," she muttered, collapsing back on her bed. In the second tent, she could hear all the boys continuing to celebrate. It wasn't just the Weasleys celebrating: the entire campsite echoed with the songs and cheers of the Irish supports - even fireworks were going off. "But you have to admit Krum is a spectacular Seeker."

"Please. The Irish team has better players all around."

"That didn't stop Krum knocking out Lynch with the Wronskei Feint."

Ginny's eyes narrowed. In the corner of the tent, book open in her lap, Hermione sighed. "Quidditch," she grumbled, turning a page. "It destroys more friendships than it makes."

Ginny had picked up her pillow again and was advancing slowly.

"Say that again."

Patricia smiled. "That didn't stop Krum knocking out Lynch with the Wron - ah!"

Ginny had given a great battle cry and pounced on Patricia, hitting her furiously with the pillow. Patricia shrieked and blocked her face, kicking blindly out with her legs. She managed to grasp the pillow - Patricia caught a glimpse of Ginny's terrified face - then with a yell Patricia pushed Ginny off the bed to the floor, where they both collapsed in a fit of giggles. Patricia was laughing so hard that her stomach ached and tears were leaking from her eyes.

In the corner Hermione sighed, though an amused, fond smile was on her lips.

"You're ridiculous," Patricia gasped, once she'd calmed down enough to breathe.

"You love me, though," Ginny teased.

Patricia scoffed.

"In your dreams, Ginny," she said, though she was smiling.


They fell asleep like that; sprawled over the floor, mouths open. Patricia even snored, though she'd violently deny it to anyone who would accused her of it.

"Girls! Ginny, Hermione, Patricia, wake up! Now!"

The voice was like an alarm clock. Patricia's eyes flew open and she snapped into a sitting position at Mr Weasley's loud, urgent voice - accidentally hitting Ginny in the process. The redhead moaned but sat up too, already searching for her wand.

The minute Patricia woke she sensed something was wrong. The songs and cheers had faded, replaced with screams and chanting and the stampeding of thousands of feet.

"What's going on?" Hermione gasped, already on her feet.

"We need to leave!" Mr Weasley barked. "Grab a coat and your wands - there's no time for anything else!"

Patricia grabbed her wand and was still pulling her jumper on as she hurried outside, Ginny and Hermione hot on her heels. Fred, George, Ron, and Harry Potter were already waiting, coats over their own pyjamas.

The awaiting sight made Patricia freeze.

A crowd of masked wizards were advancing slowly, packed close together and their wands pointed upwards. Patricia felt sick when she realised what the wands were pointing at - four Muggles; the campsite manager and his family. They floated in midair, being contorted into grotesque shapes while the masked figures only laughed, tramping and blasting tents out of the ay. The fleeing crowd swelled and the screaming grew louder.

From the next to them Ginny's brothers Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged, fully dressed and wands drawn and pulling their sleeves up.

"We're going to help the Ministry," Mr Weasley shouted over all the noise, rolling up his own sleeves. "You lot - get into the woods, and stick together. I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out!"

Bill, Charlie, and Percy were already sprinting towards the oncoming marchers; Mr Weasley tore off after them. Ministry wizards were dashing from every direction toward the source of the trouble. The crowd beneath the Roberts family was coming ever closer.

"C'mon," said Fred, grabbing Ginny's hand and starting to pull her toward the wood. George grabbed Patricia and dragged her after them.

The crowd around them screamed and buffed them from side to side. Patricia's fingers dug into George's arm as she desperately held on, so they wouldn't end up separated. If she stopped moving, she was scared that she'd end up trampled.

After a few minutes of sprinting, the four came to a stop.

"This should be far enough in," George said, raising his wand and looking around the clearing.

Patricia collapsed against a tree, panting. She had never run so hard nor so fast in her life. Holding on to the tree still for support, she looked up to find Ginny opposite her. Her friend was white as a sheet.

"Harry, Ron, and Hermione... The crowds must have separated us," Ginny breathed.

Patricia gasped and looked around. Ginny was right, they'd been separated from the trio. Fred and George stood, wands out, peering anxiously into the shadows while muttering under their breaths. Patricia felt the urge to call out for their three friends before realising just how risky that would be considering the circumstances.

Patricia approached Ginny and wrapped an arm around her. "They'll be fine" she murmured. "Look at the things those three have been through! As long as they're together, they'll be fine."

"I know that," GInny murmured. She pushed her long red hair behind her ears. She sighed and rested her head against Patricia's. Patricia stiffened, heart momentarily freezing at the action, but she relaxed and allow Ginny to relax against her.

"I'm glad you're here, Cia," Ginny murmured. "It's just so comforting to have you around."

Patricia wondered if Ginny could feel the heat rising through her body.

Cia. There is was.

Patricia smiled softly in the darkness and rested her head on top of Ginny's.

"Anytime, Gin."

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