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Chapter Two;

Merlin's beard, I'm late, I'm going to be murdered... Why these stupid staircases keep changing, I do not know, why the founders ever decided having moving staircases was a good idea I'll never know, it's just annoying and distracting...

Patricia adjusted her Slytherin tie before she pushed open the door to Defence Against the Dark Arts, red faced and panting. Gilderoy Lockhart - and the entirety of the class, as a matter of fact - turned around to face her as she barged through.

Lockhart drew himself up, supposedly to look impressive. "Ah, you're late, Miss -"

"Patricia Bolton, sir," Patricia said between gasps for breath. She straightened herself up and hitched her bag further up her shoulder. Even if she didn't like the teacher, she didn't want to make a bad impression. "And I apologise for my lateness."

She expected a reprimand, but instead Lockhart laughed. "No matter, Miss Bolton! Probably so eager to see me you couldn't focus on directions, right?"

He sent what was clearly supposed to be a charming, winning smile her way, but just left Patricia feeling sick to the stomach.

Good lord, she hadn't been in the same class as Lockhart for five seconds yet and Patricia already thought she might throw up. But throwing up was disgusting, so instead she looked at Lockhart as though he was some repulsive cockroach.

Lockhart clearly didn't notice the look on her face or if he did, he had completely misinterpreted its meaning, since he was still grinning and looking very fake.

"Anyway, there's a spare seat next to Miss Weasley," Lockhart said, clapping his hands together.

After scanning the room to make sure that what Lockhart had just said was true, Patricia grimaced.

Things just went from bad to worse.

As slowly as she could, Patricia made her way to the rightmost desk in the back row, where Ginny was sitting stiffly and looking decidedly forward - she didn't even look across as Patricia

"Nice to see you again," Patricia muttered as Lockhart began speaking again - something about a werewolf trapping him in a telephone box and how he had so bravely he's fought his way out.

"Positively splendid," Ginny shot back.

For the rest of the lesson they said nothing, but they didn't pay attention to Lockhart either. Patricia doodled in her notebook, while Ginny rolled her eyes at Lockhart and pulled faces.

At least she's not one of of Lockhart's fangirls, Patricia thought with a small shrug.

Well, Ginny Weasley had to have some redeeming qualities.


Neither Patricia Bolton or Ginny Weasley learnt much in Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Maybe it was because Lockhart was a terrible teacher, or because they'd spend the lesson bickering quietly - or a combination of the two. Lockhart, so immersed with himself, didn't even bat an eyelid. Patricia doubted he even noticed

Besides, arguing with Ginny Weasley was so much more intellectually sustaining than listening to Lockhart's self-obsessed babble. One of them only needed to make a comment, and it set the other off instantly with a fiery and angered retort, and their heated debate would last until the end of the lesson.

Whether they were arguing about what the best class in Hogwarts was or which of Lockhart's portraits was the most revolting, Ginny at least had some surprisingly good comebacks up her sleeve.

Well with those ridiculous twins as brothers, Patricia wasn't altogether surprised.

But being good at arguing didn't stop Ginny Weasley being annoying, and someone Patricia steadfast ignored whenever they passed in the halls.


That was most of the time.

But other times, things Lockhart was ridiculous that Patricia and Ginny side eyed each other and snorted, giggling together because Lockhart was too damn stupid for his own good and they needed someone to laugh it over with, even if it was each other.

Patricia told herself that it was only because she had none of her friends nearby to giggle with, but when she forgot she didn't like Ginny Weasley, she actually didn't find her too bad.



i wrote this surrounded by my really loud cousins sorry if it's bad as a result

despite that i really loved writing this chapter i hope you enjoyed it somewhat!!

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