Chapter 1

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Normal Pov *

You wake up and smile cause you were start at a new high school cause you earned a scholarship because of your passion for art and music. You get up and go get done in the bathroom. After a while, you get dressed in your new school uniform. You smile as you brushed your (H/l) (H/c) before putting it in a style you wanted it in.

(F/n)'s Pov *

I smile and say" This is a new day and a new school. I must be myself today and make new friends." I smiled brightly. I go downstairs to get something to eat. I say" Morning Mom, Morning Dad" they both look at me and says " Morning Darling" my mom says" I see someone is smiling today" My dad looks at me and says" yes someone is" I slightly blush and say" yeah I know." I look at the clock and say" oh no I will be late" I grab a piece of toast and place in my mouth before I wave goodbye to my parents as I walk out the door. I walk to get the bus.

After the bus stop at the school, I climbed off the bus. I look at the school and say" Konoha High get ready cause (F/n) is here !" I walk into the school. I walk to the office to get my schedule and a map of the school. I look at it to see where the classrooms were. I walk around looking at everything when all of a sudden, I almost get knocked over by other students. I hear some say" oh my gosh! It's the F4s they're here. "

I see them are gathering by the front door of the school. I look at them and was curious to see what the students were fussing about. I went to see and when I got there , I looked and saw four guys walk in to the school. I saw a guy with red hair and another with black hair. I look at the other two who were in front of them. One had blonde spikey hair with blue eyes and the other with black spikey hair but sort of like a emo look.

I look at the over at two girls who were shouting " Sasuke looks extremely hot." Sasuke looks at them with no expression on his face. Sasuke puts his hands in his pocket. As they walk on, the students move out of the way. I stood still as they walked towards me. They stopped in front of me and the one they called Sasuke says" Hey Brat, move out of the way" I look down at the floor and move out of the way. I look up at him as he walks on. As I looked up the one with blonde hair looks at me and gives me a friendly smile before following his friends. I accidentally drop my books and picked them up. When all of a sudden, two girls walk up to me.

I looked at them as the one girl with pink hair says" hey loser, you should look at my F4s. " I look at her and say" F4?... who are they?" The other girl with red hair says" You don't know who they are?" They giggle as the one with pink hair says " she's must be a new student here." They laugh.

I stand up and say " hi I'm (F/n) (L/n)" holding out my hand to shake their's but they look at me with a raised eyebrow. They say" we don't shake loser's hand. You should know my name is Sakura and this is Karin and we are the Queens of Konoha High." They walk away. I walk to my locker and put my stuff in my locker.

I walk to music class and take my seat. I see that same guy with spikey blonde hair. I look at him as he plays the violin. I smile as he play the violin. I look around at all the different instruments to play. I walk up to the piano and started to play it. They all look at me as I play. The guy looks at me and comes stand by me as he continues to play his violin.

I look at him as he smiles at me. After we finished playing, He looked at me and put his violin away. I sit there at the piano as everyone cheer but they were more cheering the guy on than me. I sigh and get up cause the bell rang.

I walk out as the guy says" Hey!" I stop and turn around as he walks towards me and he look at me from the side as he say" you played well...what's your name? " I lightly blush and say" I'm (F/n) (L/n)" he says" (F/n)....that's a nice name...I'm Naruto Uzumaki." As he takes my hand and plants a gentle kiss. I blush lightly as he let's go of my hand and walks off.

A guy with black hair says" Hey Naruto we have to go Sasuke is waiting for us." Naruto says " Coming Sai." As he walks towards the guy. Naruto looks back at me and smiles before walking off.

I walked to my next class. Naruto walks with Sai to where Sasuke was waiting for them. As they enter the room, Gaara says " You guys are late...what took you guys so long?" Sai says" I went to get Naruto and he was flirting with the new student." Gaara says " oh really? Naruto already going for the newbie I see" Naruto says " hey guys, come on! It's not like that."

Sasuke looks at him as he lean against the wall. Sasuke says" Dobe we can't have you flirting and make nicey nicey with that loser brat." Naruto says " I'm not Teme I was just admiring the way she plays piano. I just commented her on it." Sasuke looks away and goes sit down.

Naruto goes sit down. Gaara sighs and says " Guys, let's go for a walk. " Sai says " yeah this room is too stuffy." They get up and walked out.....

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this new story I wrote cause I had this idea for a new story with the help of my friend. Please comment and vote.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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