Chapter 15

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(F/n)'s Pov *

As I laid there on the while everyone was tossing water balloons at, I think ' I can't take it anymore....Please help..' I start to get flash backs of Naruto who was there when I was in trouble. I continued to think ' Anyone? Please help me....There is no coming to save me...' What the hell! Get away from her. Fuck off!" I think ' Sasuke?' As I looked up and saw him punched some people and threw them with the water balloons.

He walks over to me and bends down. He pulled me into a hug and held me as he says "I'm sorry" He picked me up in a bridal style and walks off with me. I say " I didn't do it" he says " (F/n), Don't talk" I say " but you don't believe me..." he says" hey, I do believe you, I believed from the start. I'm sorry, my anger got the best of me."

He carried me to the car and they took us to his place. Sasuke take me to the bathroom. He wipes my knees and says" you really are gullible." I say " Gullible?!" He says" why are you doing this to yourself? " I say " cause I don't want to show people how weak I am. So I decided that I must endure the pain to make me strong." He sigh and takes another cloth and says" (F/n) close your eyes" I closed my eyes as he wiped my face.

Sasuke's Pov *

As I wiped (F/n)'s face, I suddenly stared at her lips and felt my heart begin to race. I get up and say " here wipe it yourself..." I walked out. I closed the door behind me and hit my chest lightly. I wonder why my heart was beating so fast. I walk to the lounge and saw Gaara and Sai there with Sakura. Gaara hands me the Konoha year book. I open it and see the photos of us and others in our pre-school year. I see a heart drawn around my photo.

I get a flash back of when I was younger....

*flash back *

I was sitting with Gaara, Sai and Naruto. I was reading a book while Sakura was drawing a picture. I put my book down and went for a walk. As I walked, a bee flew by me. I say " Get away! Sho! Don't touch me" " Sho! Sho!" I see Sakura chasing the bee away.

She says" Don't worry, it's gone  now. It won't bother you again" I look at her drawing and saw my name and her name above a prince and a princess. I take the drawing and throw it on the ground. I say " you ugly, I won't be your husband cause you are ugly" she says " Don't do that.." I push her and stamped her drawing.

I walk away as she sat there on the ground and says" Don't do that...don't..."

*flash back ends *

I say " If you are doing this because of what I did years ago then I'm sorry." Sakura says " Sasuke, that not what I was to hear...." as she walks over to me. She says " Sasuke tell me that you want me and not her...Please. I did this for you." I say " I won't..." she says " why?" I say " cause you still are ugly to me because you did a horrible thing to (F/n) and that is unforgivable. To me you are monster that has to step on people just to make yourself look good."

I walk pass her and say" Gaara please take her out of my house. " I walk up to the room where (F/n) was in. I knocked on the door and entered. I saw her there. She looked at me and says " what do you want? A thank you?" I say " I have unfinished business with you" she looks at me.

(F/n)'s Pov *

I look at Sasuke and say" unfinished business?" He says" yeah" I say " I have no business with you Sasuke Uchiha! " I look for my school uniform. He chuckle and says " What are you doing? " I say " looking for my things..." he says " oh those things, I threw them away because they were broken." I say " you threw them away? I could fix them and wear them again." He says " how can you wear broken things?" I say " cause I'm a dry cleaner's daughter."

He comes and puts his hand over my mouth and says" Shhh, man you love to talk a lot." As I sat down on the bed. He takes hand away cause I mumbled something. He says " what did you say? " I say " I didn't say anything." He lean down towards me and I moved back and say" what are you doing?" As I cover my head. He took the stuff to put on my knees and sat down on the bed. I looked up as he took my legs and put them on his lap.

He takes a bandage and puts it on my nose. He then put ointment on my knees and bandaged them up. By the time he was done, I fell asleep.

Sasuke's Pov *

I bandage up (F/n)'s knees and foot. I look up and saw that she was asleep already. I smile and put her legs on the bed. I covered her and stood there as she slept. I smiled as I bend down to kiss her forehead. I walk out the room as I switched the light off and closed the door.

*A few weeks later*

(F/n)'s Pov *

I went to school and already knew who was the one who did that to me, Sakura but I didn't forgive her for that and I heard that Karin was part of it as well. Sasuke wanted them to be abandoned from the school but he didn't so they stayed. Alice and I hung out again.

As I entered, Sasuke grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him into the lunch area. He rang the bell and everyone gathered there. Sasuke says " Hey everyone, as the F4s, I have an announcement to make. Starting from today, (F/n) (L/n), second year class, is Sasuke Uchiha's girlfriend and if you do anything to harm hear, you will have me to deal with, are we clear?" They shout " Yes!" Sasuke says " say it again" they shout yes again. Sasuke says " and if you have any thing to say about it then I suggest you keep it to yourself. "

Everyone start cheering and I say" no it's not..." I look at Gaara and Sai as they are cheering as well. " I have an objection" my eyes went wide as I recognise the voice. I turned around and saw the one and only...Naruto.

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you enjoyed it then you know what to do.

Stay Awesome Guys;)


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