Chapter 10

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(F/n)'s Pov *

* next morning *

I woke up and did my usual before going to go see Naruto and Hinata off. I think' why do I feel like happy and sad at the same time? Is it because of Naruto? ' I shook my head and say" No I must be happy for him cause he is with Hinata." I took my bicycle and rode it to the airport. I got there and saw them there with Hinata. Hinata says" (F/n)" I say " Hinata I hope you enjoy it over there" she nods and says" and don't you forget your promise to me" I nod.

Sasuke ask" what promise? " she says" it's a girl secret and I won't tell you." He looks away. I say " hey Hinata, where is Naruto?" " I'm right here (F/n)" I turned around and saw him. He hugs me tightly than before and he whispers in my ear" I will miss you (F/n)...Please be here if I come back my friend?" I nod and hug him back. Naruto kissed my forehead and let's go of me and walked toward Hinata.We wave goodbye to them. I turned around and walked out the airport.

I shed a tear and wipe it away. I get on my bicycle but Sasuke stopped me. I look at him and say " let me go you idiot" he pulls me off my bicycle and says " hey Commoner, you are coming with me" He grabs my wrist and pulls me with him into his car. I tried to pull my wrist from his grip but he held it tightly. I say" Why don't you stop pestering me? Cause I don't like you" Sasuke says" it doesn't matter if you don't like me..." as we get to the place. He had bought me some coffee and we stopped the car. I got out and say" where are we?" He says" I don't know but I need to talk to you " I look at him and say " I don't need to talk to you.." he walks toward me as he pins me on the side of his car and says " this is it, we are going out..." Then a plane flew over us but I didn't quite hear the last part of what he said. I looked at him as he says" starting from tomorrow okay?" I just nod in confusion.

Sasuke takes me home. I went to my room and start to wonder 'what did he say before the plane flew over and what was starting from tomorrow? Oh well, whatever it is I can get rid of him by my words and actions.' I sigh and laid on my bed.

*next morning *

I got up for school and got done. I went to eat my breakfast before leaving to go catch the bus. I get to school and went to music class. I was sitting at my desk and started to think about Naruto and what we did together here. I was in deep thought but I snapped out of it when a voice spoke" alright class, I'm your new teacher, Mr. Kakashi Hatake." I looked up at him as he entered the class. He says" I'll be taking the place of your previous teacher" he looks at me and looks away as he start to teach the class. (An: I'm so sorry guys about bringing in Levi Ackerman from AOT. From now on, I promise it will be strictly the Naruto characters only. No other anime characters)

The bell rang and we all get up. I was about to leave when Mr. Hatake says" umm Miss (L/n) can I see you for one minute?" I walk toward him and say" yes sir? " He says " I've heard so much about you." I say" you have sir?" He nods and says" from what I can tell is that you have an amazing singing voice. You have potential to be a singer." I say " thank you sir but I think I better that I stay as myself." He nods and says" Okay I hope we will work well together, Miss (F/n)." I nod and leave his class.

I went to my next class. Later on, I went to go sit and have lunch with Alice. While I sat there, Sasuke was walking toward me. He looks at me and says" Meet at the park by four and don't be late." And he walks away. I was confused when Sasuke said that. Alice says " Hey (F/n), do you know why my brother wants to see you? " I say " I have no idea what he just said now." She says " he looked serious when he said it. I never seen him this serious before." I say " I don't want to be rude but your brother doesn't take no for an answer. " she says " I know he doesn't but when my brother is set on something then he goes for it, I think you should go this afternoon to see what my brother wants. " I sigh and say " I can't promise that I will go seen as my parents want me to help out with their shop but I'll try " She says " thanks."

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