Chapter 19

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Normal Pov *

Sasuke takes you by the hand and leads you toward a helicopter. You say" Sasuke?" Sasuke says " what is it now?" You say " nothing...." as you turned your face away. You guys got onto the helicopter. As you sat down and looked out the window as the helicopter was going up.

(F/n)'s Pov *

I look down and saw the whole island as the helicopter flew. I say " oh I see..." Sasuke says " see what?" I say " you just wanted me to see the island....It looks amazing from up here..." Sasuke chuckles and says " that's not what I wanted to show you..." the pilot says" we here sir.." I saw Sasuke grin from ear to ear and he says" (F/n), look again..." I look down again and I saw this heart shape piece on the island. I say " A heart? " Sasuke says " you see it?" I say " yes..." then I felt something that I thought I would never feel...I look to see Sasuke's hand holding mine as his fingers intertwines with mine. I look at him as he says " that's my heart and you are the only girl to see it. " I look away as I started to blush. I didn't know what to say cause I saw the side of Sasuke that Alice told me about that he was once the nicest guy who had a kind heart.... before he became a selfish, hardhead and dumbass guy that I met.

As we rode back to the resort, Sasuke says" (F/n)?" I say " yes?" Sasuke looked away as he said" Do you accept my heart?" I look at him and say " Sasuke, I...." he says " it's okay, you can take your time...." I nod as we landed back at the resort. Sasuke and everyone decided to go have fun except for me. I took a walk along the beach. As I walked along the beach, I kept thinking about what Sasuke said and asked.

*flash back *

" A heart?" I said. Sasuke says " you see it? " I say " yes..." and then felt a hand holding mine. I look at him as he says" That's my heart and you are the only girl to see it." I start to blush.

*flash back ends *

I say " oh damn why...why me?" I shook my head as I think about what Sasuke asked. I say " do I really accept his heart....??" Then a voice broke my thoughts by saying " Hey (F/n), Wait up will you?" I turned around to see Naruto running towards me. As he got to me, I say" hey Naruto " Naruto looks at me and says " hey why are you walking alone here?" I say " I just needed to clear my mind and thought a nice slow walk along the beach will help" He says " and did it?" I nod and say " And you? Why ain't you with the others?" He says " Well, I didn't want to hang around with them because my mind was wondering off so I thought maybe I enjoy a walk." I say " Walking is good..." he says " yeah it is, so I see Sasuke and you are getting quite close with each other..."

I say " you may think that but I still hate him for what he done to me so I don't think we are...what made you think that we were?" He says " Cause he is smiling when he talks about you and you always blush when he says or gives you something." I look away as I lightly blush. Naruto sighs and says " I wish that I was the one who made you smile or blush." I look at him as he comes toward me and pulls me into a hug. I was shocked at his actions. I move back as he let go of me. I look at him as he says " hey later on, I'm having a band practice and my one guitarist can't make it...I wanted to know if you could help me out with it? " I say " sure...I better go before someone has a fit" I run off to find Sasuke.

Naruto's Pov *

As I watched (F/n) run off, something caught my eye and I saw a bracelet. It must of been (F/n)'s , I put it on my wrist so that when I see her I can give it to her. I decided to go take a boat ride.


Sasuke was with everyone. Alice came up to him and says" Hey brother, did you show her?" Sasuke says" yeah I did " "she must of been amazed at it" he nods and says " She was speechless " Alice says " that's a good sign..." Sasuke looks at (F/n) as she was walking towards them and says" I hope so"

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