Chapter 11

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Normal Pov *

You wake up by someone poking you on your shoulder. You opened your eyes and saw Sasuke standing there looking at you. He says" Get up or we will be late for school. " You give a big yawn and say" well good morning to you too." You stretched your arms.

(F/n)'s Pov *

As I stretch, Sasuke grabbed my wrist and pulls me up and hands my backpack. We open the doors and we waited for the owner to come open up. When he got there, he looked at us and opens up. He starts to apologise for locking us out. Sasuke says" yeah thanks to you, I had to sleep in the cable car..." I punched his arm and say " That's rude Sasuke. He did say he is sorry for that. You must at least be grateful that the owner opened for us" Sasuke looks away without saying a word and walks away. I sigh and say to the owner" I apologies for Sasuke's behaviour. Please understand that he was raised with a sliver spoon in his mouth. " he nods and gives me a cup of coffee, on the house.

I take it and walk out of the shop. I looked and saw Sasuke waiting by the car. He says" Come I promised your parents that I bring you home." I sigh and got into the car. I went home and got done for school. I grabbed myself a piece of toast as I said goodbye to my parents and made my way to school.

*At school*

I sat in history class. Sakura was glaring at me like I did something wrong. I ignore it and continue with my work. When the time came for lunch time, I went to go find Alice who was in a different class. I stood there as I waited for her, when Sakura came towards me. Sakura says" Hey there loser, You must leave my Sasuke and the F4s alone cause since you came here, now the F4s ain't together anymore and it's because of you, Bitch." "Hey Sakura, what did you just say to her?" As I turned around and saw Sasuke standing there with his arms folded. He didn't look pleased at what Sakura said and Sakura looked at him in shock and confusion.

Sasuke walks and stands by me as he puts his arm around my shoulders as he says" Listen here Missy, she isn't the reason why Naruto left, he left cause he wanted to further his singing career in America and the F4s are not broken up. So I suggest that you either you leave her alone or I will personally see to that you will become the F4s' next target. Would you want that?" I look at Sakura who just shook her head and I couldn't believe what I heard and this came from the one who I hate with a passion.

Sasuke takes his arm off my shoulders as he walks off as he says" I thought so." I hear Sakura stomp off. I stood there trying to put my mind around about what just happened. " hey? (F/n)? Are you okay?" I turned to see Alice there looking at me. I say " sorry was just thinking about something. " she says " oh okay, now let's go get something to eat. " We walk to the lunch area. As we sat down, Alice asked me " So you and my brother were out til this morning, What did you guys do?" I say " oh nothing much just got coffee and was locked out of the coffee shop and had to sleep in the cable car. " She says" that's it?" I nod and she says" Liar! You guys talked to each other even tho you hate his guts and he thinks that you like him." I say " yeah we did but it was short and simple."

As we talking, a bell rings. I look up and saw Gaara, Sai and Sasuke standing on the stairs. Sasuke looks straight at me and walks toward me. Sasuke takes my hand and pulls me to the front. Sasuke says " Hey Everyone, I have an announcement to make. From today onwards, (F/n) is my girlfriend and if you have a problem with that then you have me to deal with. " as he held me with his one arm and pulled me closer to him. I looked at everyone who were in shock at what Sasuke said.

I looked at him as he looked at me as he lets go of me. Sasuke walks off with Gaara and Sai. I stood there as Alice walked up to me and says" I see now that my brother is serious about you and I never seen him like this before." I look at her and say " I'm confused, what just happened?" She smiles and says " Silly, You became my brother's girlfriend." When I heard that I pinch myself. I yell " Owww! "

Alice looks at me and asked " now what did you do that for?" I say " I was just checking if I was dreaming which I'm not." She just chuckle as everyone came toward me and were saying how lucky I was to be dating the most popular guy of the F4s. I couldn't believe it that they were the ones who bullied me and now they are treating me like I was royalty and a friend of their's because I became Sasuke Uchiha's girlfriend.

I stood there as everyone were surrounding me, Karin walks up to me and says " hey (F/n), I'm sorry for what I did and said to you. I hope you will forgive me for that. I hope we can be friends. " I look at her as she stood there in front of me. I couldn't believe that the one who laughed and said harsh things to me was actually apologising.

I say " It's okay, I can see you mean it so my parents taught me that we must forgive those who wronged me. So we can be friends." Karin smiles and we go sit down. I realise that I'm Sasuke's girlfriend which I am not and now everyone is nice to me.

Sakura's Pov *

I look at Karin who left me for that Commoner. I stood there glaring at her smiling and laughing. I growl softly but then I smirk as I think' Enjoy it Commoner cause you won't be smiling for long...' I walk away smiling to myself...

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Author: hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I won't say but you know what you to do if you liked it.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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