Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The ride to the country seemed to take forever. It was actually quite a good distance away from the hustle and bustle of the city of Burgess. Jamie had brought along board games to play with Sophie on the way, but his sister wasn't interested in any of them. Jamie felt incredibly bored and wished Jack was with him, but of course, that was just wishful thinking. It was not like Jack was his one and only Guardian Angel; the Guardian of Fun had to protect other children as well.

Jamie turned to look at his eight-year old sister who was fast asleep. She hadn't changed much, either, her blonde hair still covered part of her face, it was still rather unkempt. The only difference was that she was slightly taller, and was no longer dressed in clothes for toddlers. She still clutched a toy, though. Jamie smiled a little upon seeing that it was a plush bunny. Sophie's belief in the Easter Bunny had never wavered very much like his belief in Jack Frost.

"We're here, kids!" Mrs. Bennett called to the children in the back. Sophie woke with a start. Jamie peered out of the window. Mr. Bennett was driving faster than before, maybe because snow was falling and he was afraid they wouldn't make it there. Jamie saw the silhouette of a large grand building in the distance. It was almost dark. Jamie's thoughts wandered for a moment to the Boogeyman, but he then brushed them away.

Mr. Bennett managed to drive into the driveway of the snow-covered manor. In the semi-darkness and with all the snow, it looked a little foreboding. Jamie's eyes widened as he surveyed it. He had never seen such grandeur. The exterior was grander than some grand houses in Burgess.

"Whoa, mom. Is it true the lady who lives here is my aunt?" Jamie asked. "She seems to be too rich to be a relative of ours."

Mrs. Bennett chuckled. "My sister happened to marry a rich man, Jamie, and after your uncle's death last year, she has been living alone, with only your cousin to keep her company. The servants don't make really good company."

"You mean she's a widow? With servants? And she's your sister? How come we've never heard of her?" the 14- year old inquired further, taking his bags out of the trunk of the car, keeping an eye out for that one particular Guardian.

"Well, she lives all the way out here," Mrs. Bennett replied. "It isn't exactly turn right at the next corner. And she's always been someone who keeps to herself, you know. She's just grown incredibly lonely since last year. It was rather weird for us at first, too, when we received her invitation to spend Christmas here."

"I have a feeling we're gonna have a rather grand Christmas this year," Jamie said, as they made their way up to the manor. An impeccably-dressed man was awaiting them.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett," he greeted them, bowing slightly. "And to you, too, Master Jamie and Miss Sophie."

"Master Jamie!" Jamie said, grinning at his sister. "Man, I love this guy."

"Please leave your bags here. I'll see that they will be sent up to your rooms, which I will show you to later," the man who resembled a butler continued. "For now, you are wanted in the living room."

The little family left their bags and were escorted to the living room. Jamie and Sophie kept admiring the interior of the manor, which seemed a hundred times grander than the exterior. The living room was cavernous, and it sported a real fireplace, which wasn't lit. Jamie remembered seeing some chimneys on the manor outside earlier. There was a good reason why the fireplace had no fire in it and that was because there was already central heating. The living room was furnished with elaborate and elegant furniture and several statues. A large staircase led to the second floor and a few pairs of double doors led off the living room. Jamie noticed that there were many portraits lining the stairs. There were some in the living room as well. Most of them looked old and faded.

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