Chapter 55

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Paragraph 8 is just my own opinion, my theory. Sorry if you don't like it. I'm just a person who likes to combine fantasy and reality and does so terribly. :-/

"So, what happened next?" Monty asked, leaning forwards, nearly knocking his drink over on the table, eager to know more. Kendra had a similar eager look on her face, but she looked more worried than eager, and had been constantly checking her watch since they had entered the quaint cafe off-campus. "What happened after you got to the city? Did the city folk see you?"

"Nope. We never got to the city. But we did bump into a helicopter on the way there! One on a rescue mission, of course!" Jamie responded, his eyes lighting up at the memory. It had definitely been scary back during the blizzard, but now that it had passed, it had all seemed like an adventure.

Kendra's eyes widened. "Bumped?" she half-exclaimed, putting great emphasis on the word. "You did not collide, did you?"

Jamie couldn't help laughing. "Of course not. I didn't mean it literally. North spotted one in the distance and pointed it out to us. My mother guessed it was on a rescue mission, and got North to lower us back onto the snow, and it managed to spot us all the way down there. We didn't say anything about the sleigh, just mentioned we managed to survive, and we had seen a dead body and were counting our blessings. The Guardians left us shortly after that."

"What about the fairy who appeared at your window?" Kendra asked, checking her watch for what seemed to be the hundredth time. "Baby Tooth, was it?"

"Well, she came with us, and returned to the Tooth Fairy after the blizzard passed, which was partially thanks to Jack."

"Speaking of Jack," spoke Monty. "What did he do, exactly? It's not like him to just cause a random blizzard, one that's worse than the blizzard of '68. And almost bury an entire town? No, sounds more like Pitch stole Jack's powers and used them."

Jamie glanced down at the books that lay open before him, and at the notebook flipped open to an empty page, resting on top of them. He had been trying to write down everything that had happened, but it was hard to write and tell at the same time. "No, North mentioned that winter had existed before Jack, and Jack doesn't control winter. He creates ice, snow and stuff, but he doesn't have control over the forces of nature that had long existed before him. And besides, he's the Guardian of Fun, not winter. He puts the element of fun in the long dreary winters. North also stated that Tooth is older than the mountains but younger than the wind. I don't see how that's related, but it does mention the wind."

Monty and Kendra stared at him for several moments, a brief silence passing over them. They finally nodded as though they understood. Kendra glanced at her watch again, before setting her drink down on the table with an exasperated sigh. "Okay, I have to go," she said, getting to her feet. "Or else I'll be grounded. See you tomorrow."

"Have fun swimming," Monty said to her retreating back as she hurried out of the cafe, before turning back to Jamie. "Maybe we should head back." He eyed Jamie's books. "Is law nice?" He couldn't help smiling.

Jamie rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "My aunt insisted I take it, since I didn't want to go to medical school. According to her, I can't earn a living being a writer."

"Whoa. And you believe her? Doesn't sound like you, Jamie Bennett," Monty replied, as Jamie stuffed the books in his bag and they both left the place.

"Well, she did sponsor me here," Jamie responded, gloomily. "I bet she'll probably expect me to be a lawyer when I graduate."

"Ha!" Monty laughed. "Jamie Bennett, the lawyer? Sorry, Jamie, but Comedy Central isn't scanning the globe for you."

Jamie looked down at the asphalt as they walked to the bus stop. "I guess not." There was a brief pause before he continued. "Besides being a writer, I don't know what other options there are for me."

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