Chapter 18

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"And how are these machines supposed to be fun?" Jack inquired, as he entered the arcade with Jamie, making a few of the kids shiver slightly and wonder if there had been a slight change in the weather. The winter spirit eyed the crowd of kids hanging out at the machines and the loud sounds issuing from each.

"You can play games on them," Jamie explained, in as low a voice as he could possibly manage, though it didn't really matter, as most of the kids were too absorbed in whatever they were playing and the sounds as well as chatter would easily drown out Jamie's voice.

"Virtual games? Well, I've never tried any of them, but they could be fun," Jack said, his eyes drinking in the sight of the arcade. "I mean, these kids seem to find it fun."

Jamie shrugged. "I guess that depends on you. Hey, Jack, ever driven a car?"

"Well, since I'm from colonial times and is an unseen spirit around adults today... no."

"Well, then, try out this virtual racing game," Jamie responded, pointing in the direction of two unoccupied machines. "Don't worry, everyone's too busy to notice me racing against someone who isn't the computer yet isn't there."

"Who said I was worried?" said Jack, with a smirk, as he made his way over to the machines with Jamie. "I'm just worried about... this."

Frost swirled all over the steering wheel as Jack touched it. "And if I hold it for too long..." he continued, eyeing some of the kids at the other arcade machines who seem to cling on to them like their life depended on it, while racing or competing with their friends. "... I risk freezing it entirely."

"Right," Jamie said, as he slid into the seat. "Just let me show you how this works. So you won't be a total noob."

"A what?"

"Never mind..."


"Take that! And that!"

The burly axe-wielding warrior finally delivered a fatal blow and his opponent went down. The words 'You Win!' flashed across the screen in bright yellow. Jamie threw up his hands in victory, just to be cliche.

"Well, what did you think, Jack?" Jamie asked, turning to the winter spirit. Two hours had passed and Jamie had shown Jack a few of the arcade games.

"They do seem fun, but I wouldn't know for sure," he said, smirking slightly, as he glanced at the dead opponent (which the pair had named 'Pitch Black' despite it being a lady clad in white) on the screen. "Hey, perhaps I could sneak in here when the place is closed and try out some of them."

"The kids would hate you. Indirectly," Jamie replied, as they walked out of the arcade, for it was growing late.


"Because the place would be closed down for good. Jack Frost in there, trying out the games? It would probably turn into a winter wonderland. And anyway, if there was a break-in and they find no one, there would probably be rumours about this place being haunted."

Jack couldn't help but laugh. "Anyway, it's getting late. Shouldn't you be getting home?"

"Nah. There's no one home save for Sophie," the 16- year old replied. "And she doesn't exactly make good company these days. Anyway, I'm famished. Wanna grab something to eat? Do you even eat?"

"Well, sometimes. What about that place?" Jack pointed at a cafe sign up head. Jamie shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

The cafe was very much like the one Jamie worked in, only it's patrons were much younger. Jamie and Jack found a seat in a far corner, to keep away from the crowd and the windows. From where they sat, they could see everyone and Jamie noticed Claude and Caleb at another end of the cafe but didn't feel like going over to say hi at the moment.

"What may I get you?" the waitress asked.

"Just get me these sandwiches," Jamie said, pointing randomly at a picture in the menu. "Two sets."

The waitress raised an eyebrow. "Two? Are you certain?" Her eyes darted momentarily to the empty seat beside Jamie. Well, it was empty to her.

Jamie nodded, as he handed the menus back to the slightly bewildered waitress. She collected them and left, but not before she bumped into another waitress and Jamie heard her ask, "It's a little bit cold in here, don't you think?"

Jack gazed around. "It feels weird," he spoke. "Sitting here like this. With you. I guess I can consider myself lucky. Not every Guardian gets to sit with one of the kids in a cafe like a regular human being."

Jamie merely smiled. "Is it okay?"

Jack nodded. "Hey, it's just for a while, right? Anyway, I've already made it snow in parts of the world where snow is due. Almost all my tasks are completed."

"Almost all?"

"Huh? Oh, I meant, all of them."

Jamie's eyebrows shot up till they were almost hidden in his mousy brown hair. "Is there something you're not telling me?" he asked.

"Not at all," Jack replied. Jamie decided not to push it.

"Is that even allowed?" Jack asked, half-smirking, staring at something.

Jamie turned to see what it was Jack was staring at, though he had to be careful. Hardly anyone in the cafe could see Jack (except, perhaps, Claude and Caleb, but they were at the other end), but everyone could see him, Jamie.

It was a couple. Seated at a table in another dark corner of the cafe, just across from where Jamie and Jack were. They were not very young, not very old either. And they were in full canoodle. Jamie hurriedly tore his gaze away, though he couldn't help thinking one of them seemed familiar.

"I don't think..." He trailed off. Because that was when it registered.

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