Chapter 68

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"It was so damn hard to find love in this world, to locate someone who could make you feel that there was a reason you'd been put on this earth. A child, I imagined, was the purest form of that. A child was the love you didn't have to look for, didn't have to prove anything to, didn't have to worry about losing." -Change of Heart, by Jodi Picoult

Jamie wished he could spend the weekend in his cabin by the lake. But he couldn't leave Sophie. Not at that time. He knew she would probably use the frying pan on him if she found out why he decided to stay home, but there was also Ethan to think about.

"That was a cool movie!" Ethan enthused, as he, Jamie and Sophie walked out of the theater.

"Pun intended!" Jamie laughed.

"Though I think Elsa is a lot like Jack. I mean, she has ice powers and all. But I don't think Jack can build a palace from scratch."

Jamie shrugged. "But Jack isn't one to run away from problems either," he said. "And I have yet to hear him sing." Jamie couldn't help grinning at that thought.

Sophie elbowed him sharply. "Now I can't get that mental image out of my head, you fool!" She tried to look annoyed, but ended up breaking into a huge grin. "The cold never bothered me anyway," she sang in a deep voice. The Bennett siblings exchanged looks for one brief moment before bursting into laughter. Right at that moment, though, Sophie spotted Jack in the distance, heading straight for them. She tugged on her brother's arm.

"Jamie," she hissed in his ear. "Jack's coming but- don't look! I was thinking, why don't we ignore him? Pretend he isn't there, act like we don't believe anymore?"

"That's cruel, those 300 years really got to him."

"Come on, Jamie."

Jamie hesitated, feeling the presence of the spirit drawing closer. "Okay fine," he finally conceded, when he remembered that a certain event was to take place the following and he decided Sophie should have a little fun before she had to face it.

"Now, it's not every day you see the Bennett siblings giggling together on a sidewalk in Burgess," commented Jack, as he swooped downwards and landed lightly. Sophie paid him no heed and Jamie tried his best not to look.

"It's getting cold, Jamie," Sophie said drawing her coat tightly around her. "We should get going."

"Er... right, let's go," Jamie responded, resisting the urge to take a peek at the winter spirit's reaction.

"Jack Frost!" squealed Ethan.

Jamie gave his sister a look but she merely smiled back at him, which he took to mean that this was part of her plan. Ethan tugged on his mother's arm. "Mom! It's Jack Frost!" The 8- year old grinned up at the spirit. "What're you up to?"

Sophie took her cue to turn and glare at Ethan. "Who are you talking to?" she asked putting on her most 'motherly' voice. She shot quick glances around, before taking Ethan firmly by the hand and leading him away.

"Mom, it's Jack Frost! Can't you see him?" Ethan pointed at the winter spirit, who was turning to Jamie.


Jamie busied himself by checking out the menu of a nearby restaurant. He pretended to be looking everywhere, just so he could let his gaze sweep over Jack's momentarily, to discern the spirit's expression. From what he could see, Jack wasn't really falling for it. He regarded Jamie with a skeptical look. Jamie had half-a mind to drop the entire act, but one look at Sophie kept him going. Every time the spirit moved closer to him, he moved out of the way and pretended to be interested in something else, should Jack bump into him and realise that they didn't pass through one another.

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