Chapter 62

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No one could shut out the raucous laughter emanating from the group of youths as they strolled along the curb, headed for an eaterie operating 24 hours a day just up ahead. Midnight was almost upon the city of Burgess, but most of the shops they passed were still illuminated and it was snowing slightly.

Jamie bounded ahead, walking backwards as he turned to face his friends. "That was a great movie! Plain epic!" he exclaimed, grinning so widely his face was starting to hurt. "Man, they did an awesome job with it! It's almost like... like we were..."

"Relieving the whole experience again?" Pippa suggested.

"Yeah, that's it!"

"I loved myself in it," grinned Cupcake. "I was so bad-ass!"

"I was too young. " Sophie made a face. "Pretty embarrassing, but hey, I was just two and I helped save Easter! Sort of."

"They made us look so cool!" enthused Caleb, indicating himself and his twin. "Though, I do wish we had more of a part, but it is 'Rise of the Guardians', not 'Rise of the Guardian-ed'..."

Monty kicked at the snow decorating the curb, hands in his coat pockets, not really sharing his friends' enthusiasm. "They made me look like a total coward!" he complained. "Wait, no, you made me look like a total coward!" He jabbed an accusing finger at Jamie, who merely shrugged, still grinning. "How could you destroy my character in that book of yours?"

"Oh, come on, pal!" Claude laughed, slapping Monty on the back so hard his glasses nearly flew off his face. "You can't deny you were pretty timid! But that's the Monty we know!"

"Yeah!" chipped in Caleb, giving the bespectacled kid a playful punch. "That's the Monty we know and love! Group hug, everyone!"

"Not in the middle of the st-..." Monty's protests were muffled as the twins pulled him into a suffocating hug and everyone else tried to wrap their arms around the three boys. Passing adults merely smiled and shook their heads, probably recalling fond memories from the early years of their young adulthood whereas teenagers either laughed at their antics or looked on with annoyance and disapproval.

"Hurry up, y'all, I'm starving!" Sophie reminded them of their original destination as she wriggled out of the hug.

Not many changes had been made to the cafe in the past few years. Jamie's mood took a nosedive as they walked in; the place brought back memories. Memories he didn't want to remember or to think about. He would've selected a different place, but it was in close proximity to the theatre, which they had just left, and the others seemed to think it was preferable. Claude and Caleb cast sideways glances at Jamie, just to ensure he was okay, remembering the commotion between Jamie and his father that had taken place.

They slid into seats at a table for six, with the twins having to draw up extra chairs from neighbouring tables for themselves. A waiter ambled over and as orders were taken, Jamie surveyed his friends' gleeful expressions and it was enough to push any horrid memories out of his mind. Much time had passed since all that trouble and Sophie seemed like herself again. Her wish for leniency for her attackers had been granted and she had been quite at peace with herself and everyone else since then. He couldn't suppress the smile that came. As their graduation ceremonies had just passed, save for Sophie's, the old gang was reunited. Though, it would have been so much nicer if Jack or any of the other guardians (though secretly, Jamie thought Jack was highly preferable) were there with them. He turned in his seat to look out of the window behind him, up at the night sky, searching for any signs of a flying white-haired, staff-wielding teenage boy. Slightly disappointed at the lack of anything of that sort, he turned back to table.

"So, anyone already engaged here?" joked Caleb, as the waiter walked off.

"Quit it, Claude, Comedy Central's not scanning the globe for you!" Pippa shot back from across the table. Several patrons at nearby tables looked up in disgust at the noise from the group which they found rather jarring.

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