Chapter 21

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"Think you can drop me off somewhere for a moment?"

Jack turned, raising his eyebrows at Jamie, smiling slightly, but his smile faded when he noticed the look on the 16- year old's face. It definitely wasn't one of pleasure. In fact, now that he thought about it, Jack realised Jamie's countenance hadn't exactly been merry since they took off. The boy looked like he was having a wild inner debate with himself. "Where?" Jack finally asked.

"At the airport."

Jack couldn't help but smile to himself. Well then, Jamie was in for a surprise if it was the airport. They started flying downwards and soon got a glimpse of forests below them. The airport had to be somewhere near.

"Um, Jack, I changed my mind. Lets just keep flying," Jamie said, just as they flew out of the clouds. Jack plummeted down to the earth, dragging Jamie along. The ride down was exhilarating, but Jamie wasn't smiling when they finally landed on solid ground. They were in one of the forests, but Jack took Jamie's hand and guided him in the direction of the airport.

"It's okay, Jamie," the winter spirit responded. "We have enough time for a short exchange of goodbyes."

"How did you know?"

"I overheard your conversation with your sister yesterday," Jack said, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry for eavesdropping."

"It doesn't matter," Jamie said. "Anyway, we should just head on to the Warren, don't you think? Where did you say it was? Australia? Are we really going to fly all the way to Australia?"

"Don't change the subject," Jack said. "Come on."

Jamie let go of the winter spirit's hand and landed, cat-like, on the ground. He stood up, looking miserable. "He said he would be leaving in the morning. It's almost mid-morning. He has already left."

"There was a blizzard. The plane won't be arriving for another, like, half-an hour, if my calculations are correct," Jack said. "So, you only have half-an hour, and you're currently wasting it."

Jamie looked up in surprise. "A blizzard? Did... did you create it?"

Jack smirked. "What do you think?"

Jamie just stood there, gaping, before Jack seized his hand and they raced through the forest. Frost swirled on the trunks of trees where Jack touched them. The winter spirit flew low, to avoid branches. They were soon out of the forests and on the road leading to the airport.

"I can't fly you any further or you'll be all over the news tomorrow," Jack said. He pointed out several taxis whizzing past. "Perhaps you could take one of those.

A cab was hailed and Jamie got in as fast as he could. "Airport," he told the driver. "And don't worry. I do have cash with me."

The cab sped off and Jamie kept an eye on the time. He could see Jack flying alongside it, but unlike how he would've usually felt, his thoughts wandered over to what would happen once he arrived at the airport. What would he say?

Before he knew it, the cab had arrived at the airport. Fifteen minutes of the half hour had passed and Jamie hurried into the building, with Jack beside him. The winter spirit pointed out where he had to go and Jamie tore through the crowds. Adults stared at him as he ran past, and several children, too, but most of them had their wide eyes focused on Jack. Well, it wasn't every day a child who believed saw Jack Frost flying through an airport.

Five minutes passed quickly. Jack quickly led him to the waiting area near some shops and Jamie literally pushed everyone away to get there as he spotted the person he had been looking for.

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