Chapter 13

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Jamie felt adrenaline surge through his body as he flew with Jack, literally riding the wind. It was almost like his sledding experience with Jack six years before, only he was going much faster and he was literally flying through the air. He held on tight to Jack, afraid he might just fly off, but he knew the Guardian of Fun would never let that happen. Wind was whistling in his ears and he had to squint his eyes or even close them as it was too painful to hold them open and his mouth had to remain close as well, in case he swallowed any flying objects, but he couldn't help letting out a cry of delight. For a few moments, he forgot all about his troubles.

Jack grinned upon seeing how much the teenager enjoyed the ride. Memories of his first encounter with the boy came flooding back to him and he felt slightly nostalgic. Jamie had certainly grown a lot, and if it wasn't for the strong wind and Jack's strength, he wouldn't be able to hold on to the boy and fly at the same time. He could feel Jamie clutching him tightly, quite ignorant of the cold he emanated.

"Hate to disappoint you, Jamie, but we're here," Jack said, slowing down. Jamie opened his eyes as they slowed to a stop and landed. Jamie's eyes drank in his surroundings. His jaw slackened. There were seven floating pillars around him. Golden oblong boxes were being opened and closed by some mechanism and small fairies who resembled hummingbirds were zipping about, depositing teeth in those boxes. It was sight unlike any other Jamie had seen before.

"Welcome to the Tooth Palace," Jack said, with a smile, gesturing at the seven pillars.

"Jack? Jamie? What are the two of you doing here?" exclaimed a voice from behind them. The two boys turned and came face to face with a larger version of the small fairies, someone whom Jamie had met before. Tooth seemed delighted but surprised at the same time to see them in her palace.

"The Tooth Fairy!" Jamie exclaimed. Tooth beamed.

"Glad to see you still believe, Jamie," she said, before turning to Jack. "What brings you here?"

Jack held up a hand. "Hold on," he said. "I know you're very busy and all, but perhaps, you would like to give Jamie a tour of this place? Or perhaps I could do it."

"No, I rule this palace, right? So it's only right that I be the one to give him a tour of this place," Tooth smiled. "So Jamie, like Jack said, welcome to the Tooth Palace. Each of these seven pillars..." She gestured at the pillars. "... represent a continent. Each of them has a Library of Memories, where all the teeth we collect from the children from the respective continents are stored. Every child has his or her own box of teeth with his or her face on the front. My fairies..." Tooth indicated the flying baby teeth. "... collect the teeth in the night and leave something in return, usually a quarter, but I guess you already knew that part." Tooth flashed another smile.

"Whoa," was all Jamie could manage. He gaped at it for a few moments before asking, "But is there enough space? Do you run out?"

"No. The library just keeps expanding as more and more teeth gets stored over the generations. The teeth store your memories of childhood. If ever you are troubled, lost, confused or uncertain what to do next, we will return your teeth so that you will remember the hopes and dreams of your childhood," Tooth explained. She pointed out one of the boxes that was being opened and had a tooth placed in it. "Only you can open your box."

"Where is this palace situated? In other words, where are we currently?" he asked.

"This palace is located in South East Asia," Tooth explained. "It's suspended high in the clouds to prevent any intruders."

Jamie couldn't help but smile as he took in the view of the palace and watched the mini fairies at work. It was all so wonderful. To think such a thing truly existed and people claim it only existed in the imagination of children. They didn't believe, so they may never see it. At that thought, the whole purpose of dropping by came flooding back to him.

"Jack, what was your idea again? You know, you said you had a plan to make Sophie believe again," Jamie said, turning to the Guardian of Fun. The Guardian of Memories looked up.

"Bunny's little ankle-biter stopped believing?" she asked. Jamie nodded.

"Yeah, and she just lost her last tooth, which one of your fairies had collected. She had originally dumped it into a waste paper basket..." Tooth gasped at that statement. "... but I fished it out and handed it to one of your fairies, and I told her to you or one of the other Guardians that I would like to see you. I was worried it might be Pitch or something else."

"Yes, she conveyed your message," Tooth said, sadly. "But Jack did mention he was giving you frequent visits, so I thought he would do."

"Well, that's alright," Jamie said. "The others are probably busy anyway... except Bunny. Easter is already over."

"Yes, it is, but Bunny has probably started working on the painting for next year."

"So what was your idea, Jack?" Jamie asked, realising the conversation was getting off-topic.

Jack pointed at one of the puzzle boxes. "That," he said. "Tooth, do you happen to have Sophie's?"

"Of course!" she replied, before flying off at top speed and returning only moments later with one of those magic oblong puzzle boxes in her hand. It had Sophie's face on the front, with her blonde hair partly covering her face and those bright, hope-filled emerald green eyes. "I think I know where you're going with this, Jack," she said, handing the box to Jamie. "Sophie opens the box and she remembers Bunny and the Warren and all that Dreamsand from six years ago."

Jamie then realised that Jack's plan could actually work and Sophie might believe again! That would be just amazing. He held the box in his hand, looking down at the picture of Sophie, feeling relieve and hope wash over him. Perhaps not only the Easter Bunny could bring hope, but the Tooth Fairy, too, by returning someone the memories of their childhood.

"We've got to get back and try this out," Jamie said, his smile widening. He looked at Jack, who smiled back. Tooth watched them both. Sophie would be granted those memories from her childhood once more and she would be filled with hope and dreams again. Such results made Tooth feel like her job was the best one any Guardian could have and she was proud of what it could do to the children.

Of course, there were kids out there who would never want to remember their childhood, but that was a whole different story.

"It's time to leave," Jack said, giving Tooth an appreciative smile. "Thanks, Tooth."

"Yeah, thank you, Tooth Fairy," Jamie said, beaming. Jack and Jamie held on to each other again and took to the skies, turning once to wave goodbye to the fairy who watched them go with immense satisfaction.


"Thanks for the ride, Jack," Jamie said, as he landed on the carpeted floor of his bedroom. The digital clock on his bedside table indicated that it was only about midnight. The whole house was fast asleep. "I think I should get some sleep before handing this to Sophie."

"Sleep well, then," Jack said, as he made his way back to the window, casting one last glance at Jamie before flying off.

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