Chapter 39

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WARNING: This chapter and the next few are rated 'T'. Overall, it is mostly K+, but there are certain chapters that may sport a different rating. (this is the first) I'm sorry. (Please refer to slightly edited summary)

"I swear, Jamie Bennett, if nothing good comes out of this, I'll hate you for the rest of my life."

Jamie and Sophie sat at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping on a conversation between their mom and their soon-to-be father, which fortunately was not about them or their attitudes. Jamie looked down at the notebook in which he had scribbled additional information on the guy which he had elicited from his mother the previous night. "I think it's worth a shot."

Sophie grabbed the scruff of her brother's collar and looked him in the eye. Jamie wished he could wrench himself from her grip but that would cause too much noise and he risked falling down the stairs. "Look, we only have three days more before the wedding," Sophie seethed, in a low voice. "If we use up all that time trying to get him on our side instead of devising a way to ruin the wedding, then you're totally, officially dead."

"Ive got an idea," Jamie whispered. "What about I try to talk to him, and you go ahead with those plans of yours. Maybe it's best if I'm the only one who tries this."

Sophie released her grip. "Fine," she said. "But what about mom? She's sure to wonder if I'm not seen with that creep, since I promised her."

"Just tell her you're busy," Jamie responded. "I'm not encouraging you to lie, but it'll probably break her heart otherwise."

Sophie rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. "Sometimes I wonder why she's so weak." She tiptoed across the landing and quietly stepped into her room. Jamie went downstairs, taking tentative steps, going over in his mind what he had planned to say.

The two adults were seated on the couch and both looked up when Jamie approached. Mrs. Bennett wore a small smile though Mr. Bane looked furious. "What do you want, son?" he barked.

Jamie's heart rate accelerated and he hurriedly tried to calm himself before responding, "Er... I was thinking, perhaps we might..."

"You do know that I'll be seeing a friend later, right? Well, Jamie was thinking of taking you to the park in Burgess. You've not been there, I suppose? It's a pretty delightful place and I think you might be able to take this opportunity to learn more about each other," Mrs. Bennett hurriedly spoke. She turned to her son. "Is that right, Jamie?"

Jamie forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah," he said. Great save, mom!

Mr. Bane still had that look of contempt on his face but he nodded. "Very well," he said. "I look forward to seeing what's so intriguing about the park. At what time should I meet you there?"

Jamie glanced at the clock on the wall. "At ten, perhaps?" he suggested. "And we're not meeting there, we'll both walk there... together."


The two of them walked to the park in the summer heat, which wasn't so bad that morning. Jamie kept sneaking sideways glances at Mr. Bane who appeared to be quite interested in the buildings around him. Silence hung over them. Jamie was trying to think of something to say to break it, but there didn't seem to be anything. He just wasn't interested. And Mr. Bane didn't look like he was about to struck up a conversation either.

"Jamie Bennett!"

Both of them turned at the sound of Jamie's name being called by a familiar voice. Jamie was most surprised to see Emily running up to him, waving. He hadn't seen her in over a year. Apparently she moved to a neighbouring town to live with some relatives while her father stayed in Burgess. Emily's father had been a literary agent who had helped Jamie survive the publishing process. It turned out that Emily's desperation to help him was to actually help her father and herself. Her father had been thinking of moving out of Burgess to some other place where he could get a job, and Emily had not wanted to leave Burgess. However, she was compelled to, being a severe amnesiac. Her relatives out of Burgess had seen to her for about a year to help improve her memory.

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