The Olympian Rule. (One Direction Fanfic.)

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Hello people reading this new story! I might not update as quick on this but I will try to! So Song on side is Still into You by Paramore. (LOVE HER!) And a picture of the main character, Cleo. This is a One Direction Fanfic. and I just wanted to test it out! Hope you like this! Sending Love your Way!

-Pandacream <3

I was watching the opponent serve the volleyball while I got ready to hit it right back. It came flying over and Carol got the first hit, Taylor set it for me and I spiked it right into the top left girls face, winning the game. USA-1 win 0-lose. Korea-0-win 1-lose. We started to get off the court when I actually took a look at the girl I hit in the face, she was bent over with her face in a towel, blood dripping down to the court. I walked over to her and lifted her up looking at her nose that bleed.

"Oh man! I am so sorry! Here." I said as I got some more towels and an icepack a ref. handed me. I helped her to a seat and held the icepack to her nose. She smiled weakly.

"Nice shot." She said in her accent. I frowned.

"Did it have a spin?" I asked while giggling with her laughing.

"Nope. It was perfect. A total flat clean hit. It's an honor to be hit by you!" She said while leaning back a bit to stop the bleeding.

"Thanks. But I really am sorry." I said totally meaning every word I said. She nodded.

"Its fine really! Nice win though! I hope we can play together again sometime." She said smiling.

"Yeah, I'd love that. By the way my name is Cleo Condie." I said while sticking my hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you Cleo! I'm Shay Meliard." I smiled. Her teammates walked over and groaned by me sitting there.

"Quit making friends Shay! She is a bitch." She said looking at Shay then to me. "Stay away from our team. You've done enough harm." The mean girl said while sitting in between me and Shay and holding the icepack. I got up and waved to Shay. She waved weakly and carried on. I walked back over to my teams seats.

"Girls, tonight we need to celebrate! Our first win!" Katie, the team captain said while looking over to me.

"Good hit Cleo, Keep that up and we will be seeing more girls rolled away from the competition." She said with an evil grin.

"Don't say that! I feel bad enough!" I said as I flopped into an empty seat. Soon some guards came over and were ready to usher us out. I grabbed my bag and threw on my slides. I looked around the arena and saw at least a million people still there. The next teams playing were Iceland and Europe. I saw some girls by the side of the exit waiting for us to go by. I took on the end and once I got to the girls, I waved and they screamed. I signed some papers and other various junk and hurried to catch up with my team. I jogged up to Carol and slapped her on the back.

"Nice bump back there. Got it perfectly in the air for Carol!" I said while walking along her side.

"Thanks! I tried hard." She said exhausted I could tell.

"Hey just think, once we get through this suprise dinner, you can go straight to bed!" I said jumping up and down. She stopped and looked at me weird.

"How in the world do you still have energy to jump like that!" She shouted while we neared the bus to take us back to the hotels then to a restaurant.

"I really don't know." I said truthfully while snagging a seat by myself and sitting behind Katie.

"Hey where are we eating?" I asked while leaning on the back of her seat.

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