Chapter 3

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Hey! Sorry for not updating this whole week! I was on Vacation in Las Vegas. Magical place if you ask me. ;) So song on side is Now by Paramore. And picture is of Taylor! Enjoy! Sending Love your Way!

-Pandacream <3

I woke up the next day with a bad stomach ache. I rushed to the bathroom and felt the contents of last night's Chinese dinner come up into the toilet. Stupid fast food. I threw up some more then felt my stomach's emptiness. I walked out of the bathroom quietly and noticed Taylor still sleeping. I swear she could sleep through World War 3.

I fished through my suitcase noticing today was the team's day off. We got today off with no practice, then the next day practice from 7:00 to 3:00 tomorrow, then Game day two days from now. I decided on having my own girl day and go shopping and exploring this crazy city. I grabbed my blue skinny jeans, and a grey sweater. I threw them on with some grey Ugg boots. I felt lazy, ok? I combed through my wild hair and then braided it to the side.

I grabbed my Olympic Jacket and my satchel full of my money and gum. I checked my messages before heading out. No one yet since it was only 8:00 in the morning. I was a early riser.

I rushed out of the hotel towards Starbucks. I swear I could run on them. I opened the door to the small but warm shop and instantly got hit with the strong smell of coffee. I walked over to the counter where a cute nerdy guy was standing reading a science book. I looked around. No one in the shop except me and him. Wow, awkward much? 

"Hi, C-can I help y-you?" The boy said as he tried his best to not make eye contact. He wore glasses and his hair was perfectly shaped back. He had cute dimples and underneath his apron, I could see he wore a sweater like mine and some high-waisted pants. 

"Hey, I'd like a Carmel mocha please." I said while smiling my best smile to him. He blushed and looked down.

"O-Ok, y-you want whip cream on it?" He said still stuttering. 

"Yes please." I said while pulling out my wallet from my satchel.

"That will be $5:14." He said while I gave him my money. He took it with a shaky hand. 

"I'll get it r-ready for you." He said while turning around and tripping in the process to the machines. I stifled a giggle. He was too cute! He made it quickly then carefully walked it to the counter where I stood patiently. 

"H-here you go." He said while handing it over.

"Thanks-" I said while looking at his name tag. " Leto!" I said while smiling. He blushed.

"Your welcome. W-what's your name?" He said shyly. 

"I'm Cleo." I said as I held out my hand for him to shake. He carefully took hold of it and nervously shook it. He pushed up on his glasses. I giggled.

"So, you work here? Must be a nice job!" I said while sipping my Mocha.

"Yes I do. Its a very calm job in the morning." He said without stuttering. I was proud of him. He was less nervous then before.

"So you work only morning shifts then?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm a very early riser." He said while blushing.

"Ha! Same here!" I said as I grabbed a seat from a nearby table and sat on the opposite end of the counter. He awkwardly sat too. We talked for about 30 minutes until people started coming in. 

"Well, I need to get back to m-my job." He said while quickly standing. 

"Ok well, bye Leto! Hope to see you again!" I said as I threw away my empty cup and pulled the chair back to the table.

The Olympian Rule. (One Direction Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now