Chapter 12

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GUYS!! LOOK!!!! ITS MY FAVORITE NUMBER! TWELVE!!!! YAY!! CELEBRATION OF TWELVE AMAZING PARTS!!!! (Kidding, they suck!) Wow, so much has happened in twelve chappies..... ANYWAYS! HERE IT IS!!!! Song on side is Within By Daft Punk. Picture is of Clark Shells!! (Soccer Player in story) Sending Love your Way!

-pandacream <3

"GIVE UP THE PILLOW, HARRY!!" I screamed at the boy with curls. He just grinned and ran into the kitchen. Its been a good two days since the games we had and the storm has been going strong since then, but the people of the city were getting the roads cleaned up and by tomorrow we would be able to drive anywhere. But I am still stuck here or at least have to stay here since I still have Niall's bet. 

Right now we were all getting angry at each other cause of the lack of blankets and pillows. Turns out Niall's "stack of warmth" was just a few pillows and one blanket in the back of a closet. I really needed a pillow cause I didn't want to seen clingy and use Zayn's chest for two days in a row as a pillow.

I ran into the kitchen after him and saw him chugging on the milk carton in the fridge. I growled and he sputtered milk onto the floor. I laughed and grabbed the pillow before he could react and I raced up the stairs to where the boys were playing on the Xbox. I plopped right inbetween Zayn and Niall and I watched Zayn run around on the top screen and watched Niall get shot on the bottom.

Harry stumbled into the room flying over Louis' and Liam's heads right on top of Niall, Zayn, and I. We all groaned. 

"What was that for?!" Niall shouted in his rough voice. Zayn pushed Harry off of us and shook around his hair. 

"CLEO STOLE MY PILLOW!!" Harry protested while sitting like a little kid with his arms crossed. I hugged the pillow to my chest. Niall groaned and ran his hand down his face.

"Cleo, give Harry the pillow back." 


"And why NOT?!" Harry yelled.



OK FINE THEN! I STOLE THE PILLOW BECAUSE IdontwanttouseZayn'schestasapillowagaincausei'llseemclingy." I said in a low voice and really quick. But still they all heard. 

"Oh....." Harry said. I blushed.

"Oh..." Zayn said also.

"Ugh! Now its just embarassing in here for me! Harry take the stupid pillow, I'm sleeping on the dining table." I said while grabbing my only blanket and rushing off down the stairs. I took my place on the dining table and I slowly laid down. This is so uncomfortable....

"Uh Cleo?" I heard someone whisper. I opened one eye and saw Zayn there. I frowned and hid my face in the blanket.


"Uh, you um, know you can sleep on me anytime right? I don't mind at all." He said while blushing and smiling. I blinked I was so not expecting him to say that.

"Uh ok then thanks." I said while rolling onto my other side.

"Are you coming then? Cause I am not getting on the dining table." He said while laughing slightly. I smiled and hopped up. 

"Thanks Zayn. And good idea. Table's so uncomfortable." I said while entertwining our fingers and running up the stairs. I was shocked by my actions and I must admit by the way Zayn looked at our hands, to me, then to our hands with a shocked look but dreamy smile made me flutter.

We arrived at the room everyone was staying in which was Niall's. Everyone looked at us when we walked in. 

"Someone happy again?" Liam asked while holding me in his arms lightly. I laughed and smiled.

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