Chapter 19

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Hello! Ok this is short but its kind of a filler. 

Song on side is Once In a Lifetime by The Killers. -Love them!

No picture! 

Sending Love your way!


-pandacream <3

"Come on girls, Jump higher!" Katie kept yelling at us all. 

She was having us all keep practicing our spiking jumps when we just kept tiring ourselves instead of helping us. By now we were all doing them rather lazy-like.

"Are we done yet?!" One of the younger girls asked. I scoffed in my head. Oh this is just the beginning.

We did them for another ten minutes until Katie decided we were done and we could go back to the hotel to rest until later tonight where we were going to practice again. 

"Hey you want to go to the Starbucks down the road with Taylor and I?" Paige asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, lets do it." I answered while getting my knee pads off and my shoes to change into my slides. I then got my jacket on and we all met up at the exit. 

"So, you think we are going to win?" Taylor asked. 

"I think we have a good chance." I answered back and Paige just nodded.

We talked about random things until we finally got to the store and we all grabbed a high top table in the corner of the store. 

"So I asked you guys to come here for a important reason." Paige spoke up. Taylor and I both looked at her and gave her our full attention. 

"So, um this is kinda a touchy topic but i'm pregnant." Paige muttered to us. 

"Pregnant?! Isn't that great!?" Taylor asked.

"Well yeah, but he doesn't know." She mumbled.

"Who is the he?" I asked. She smiled at me.

"Its Leto." 

"I don't remember a Leto..." Taylor spoke up with confusion.

"Um he is a guy who works at this other Starbucks across town, kinda by the hotels." I answered.

"So I need to tell him." Paige brought up.

"Well call him! Tell him to meet ya here! Or we could go meet him at the other Starbucks if he is working right now." Taylor suggested.

So we decided to walk to the other Starbucks. Once we got to the doors, Paige got nervous.

"I don't know if I can do this." She muttered.

"You can! Just go in there and spill. If he wants to be there for ya, let him." I answered. She nodded and we all walked in just as it started raining outside.

We all saw Leto at the counter, reading a magazine. He looked up and instantly smiled.

"GUYS! I haven't seen you in forever!" He said while walking to us and hugging us all. He then kissed Paige's cheek and wrapped his arm around her. I could just see the love in his eyes.

"Leto, I need to tell you something." Paige asked. Taylor and I then scooted away and sat at a table where we both could see them talking.

Who would have thought Leto and Paige?!

We watched them talk for awhile then Paige said something and Leto's face lit up. He smiled and hugged her so tight. They then chatted more for awhile then had a very heated kiss. They finally finished and both walked over here. 

"Can you believe Paige is pregnant! I'm going to be a daddy!" He exclaimed then hugged Paige again tightly. We all then just had a girl moment and oozed happiness. 

Not really. That would be weird. Like happiness is your sweat...

"Girls, I'm gonna stay here with Leto, so you can leave whenever." Paige said. We all chatted for a while then Taylor and I decided to start walking back 

"So, that was pretty shocking, huh?" Taylor spoke.


Later on, we all headed back to the gym and practiced our butts off, cause tomorrow was the final game deciding who would win. 

I also had to announce something to Niall...

Something important.

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